What grinds your gears?

Wiping doesn’t work lol

Oh my! How did this happen? :open_mouth:

People feuding on religions over the internet

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The BluRay reader on my PS3 is going out. :’(

When a concert is sold out within minutes -.-

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The power keeps tripping right now. :confounded:

I’m getting sick again… It sucks rat’s anuses :confused:

I was considering buying a ticket for U2, but it already got sold out in 1 hour

It was sold out within minutes for London :confused:

Dunno, now this happens:

That glow…

I bloody hate exams, they prove nothing about how smart you are or how good you are at something, just that you can remember stuff. I had a maths exam on Mon that killed me (for real I’m sure I got a really low score) and tomorrow and Fri I have 2 more. I’m more confident about tomorrow’s one as I know the subject better but I have to memorise 9 pages of formulae, 9! :rage:


I’m lefty. If I go to the place I’ve never been to, I’ll surely get lost and I usually go the wrong way when go out (not daily ways, these I can remember, lol)

absolutely agree with you. The worst thing is that we are constantly punished if you don’t pass all exams.

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I’m a lefty but that hardly ever happens to me.

A few hours ago, I accidentally had a small metal splinter (approx size of a grain of coarse salt, but much sharper) embedded into my right calf when I positioned my leg crossed-legged onto the couch. Obviously it disappeared beneath the skin surface. So I searched on how to remove splinters that disappear beneath the surface, especially metal ones. So there came the magnet method, but it only helps pinpoint the location. So it’s still there, approx 1cm in the skin. :frowning:

Metal splinters won’t go away, just like glass splinter from many years ago:


Get a really powerful magnet to rip it out of your leg, it’d hurt like hell if it works.

Strange thing. I know about 3 lefties and all of them get lost like me :slight_smile:

I like getting lost sometimes, you can find some interesting places.


Indeed. :frowning: :fearful: