HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Another sh*t day done. Got home and ordered a bunch of vinyls to make me happy. Will try and do some uni work now.


Listen music, make something on Photoshop

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I came home and had leftovers after another long 12-hour work day, and I have another one to work tomorrow. My Friday should be relatively normal, though.

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Sending strengths :muscle:

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:sunny: Good morning family :sunny: Woke up earlier today and I just catched up on this thread … grats for closing the chat room thread… :clap:t2::joy: to all of you who are busy- sending strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart: smoother times are ahead for you guys - it’s the waves of life that controls ebb and flood :blush: we just can go with the flow - fighting against it costs just more energy still…

@evooba hang in there - and if you lose track- Imagine how you are at a show with your artist, like Lorenzo was with LP… :star_struck: that’s what it is for - besides a lot of :moneybag:

@drounzer how went the appointment? Thanx for caring- I’m fine - was just too tired, lazy and exhausted… but now I’m right at coming back :blush: hope you’re doing ok?

@Fravaco :joy: back at poking peeps? Makes me happy in your case- means you are way better!! :tada::yellow_heart::hugs:

@anna834 thanx for caring :hugs::yellow_heart: you have such a good and caring heart, I wasn’t on that much posting here as usually because the time wheel spinners were spinning my wheel way too fast the last week and it was a rock I’d to move in short time, that’s why I wasn’t active posting- but I was here anyway, lurking! Hope you’re doing good?

@lplove nice to find you this active! Everything good yourside?

@Lilyope enjoy the work thing- you already did a goojob on it!! :tada::hugs:

@justinkilmer heyo buddy- you‘re well? Mug of the day?

Ot :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops:

@LP13413 take care!! Have a good and restful night Andy …

I hope I missed nobody- but I did for sure- so here are my wishes for YOU: have a great day :sunny:- keep your eyes open and you’ll definitely find something that makes you smile today! Share it with us :grin: and get a big :hugs: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Good morning you all :sunny:
Good night over the pond :milky_way:
Already grinding @Honey8 it’s not for long anymore :muscle::hugs::heart:


:pensive: sigh keep it up? Sound lame, I know. So just :hugs::yellow_heart:

With you, that can be :tada: :laughing::hugs::brown_heart:

@birdy1989 whats up with you hun? :grin::hugs::heartbeat:

Going on a Anna hugging spray:
@anngelenee :hugs::heart: @anomalia :hugs::orange_heart: @lpaniist :hugs::green_heart: @annejprado :hugs::blue_heart:
And filled the tag limits :roll_eyes:

@evowarrior5 thanks for showing up in the tag fred! :hugs: :green_heart: so back home to the Netherlands. Is it that hard to get jobs there right now? Or is it just coincidence that two people from there struggle with this?
As I talk of it @drounzer how is this going for you?
Anyway I wish you both the best of luck :crossed_fingers::muscle::tada:

:triumph: I immediately skipped that part :angry:

It’s not necessary to keep up with the nonsense. Just jump in and start talking, what ever pops up in your mind. :hugs::orange_heart:
That’s the current topic for all :crazy_face::

@framos1792 you will never stop me :smiling_imp:
Sigh, at least I hope so :confounded:
Thanks :hugs::black_heart:

@jrtrussell I just continue tagging till you join! It is batmouse topic after all, best place for revenge :sunglasses: :hugs::purple_heart:

Not really a goal of mine, and slept three hours tonight. So not on any winnings here. :woman_shrugging::hugs::blue_heart:

:tada: congratulations!!! So awesome! :partying_face:
All the nowtimers forgotten! :grin::hugs::heart:

Write, delate, write, delate.
No. Not in the slightest.
Actually totally exhausted and, and, and
F*** dog tax office!
I’m already about all my can dos and to get pressed in a fight, seems so unfair!
Got another lecture to take more care of myself. This time from the boss of the farm I stay right now. And that’s someone who send me in the house at round about six in the evening and continuing her work. I’m just here, so she takes a sick leave, ha, ha.
Maybe I should start listening.
And it is just 2 days, to finally get home again, after nearly a month.
Back home to the war with the dang dog tax office.
And to let my dog get a x-ray to see, how damaged his hips actually are, how much time we have left…
To ask my daughter for a third meet up since May.
To see my therapist, maybe listen to his suggestions …
No, I’m so far away from good that I really prefer to not talk about it and go :rooster::crazy_face:

Yeah! :tada: I’m so thankful for this place, for you all guys, especially the whole onion crazy squats!
I would say thank you for saving, but that’s against my believes.
Nobody can safe me but myself.
So thanks for making this all so much fun :crazy_face::partying_face:

Hold back the strong urge to delete it all.


I’m not a good pattern to be followed…

I was about to ask what you had deleted yesterday and why…

This should sound positive. But it doesn’t in my ears.

Whatever… May the force be with you!!! :muscle:


Thank you my fellow Jedi! :heart_eyes:
Love to get those words! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Sith > Jedi :grimacing::crazy_face::metal:t2:

Damn, it’s a tough but good week - After I bought tickets for Papa Raoch I’m going to buy tickets for Sum 41 because they’re coming ealry 2020 to germany :heart_eyes::heart::metal:t2:

So, I’m finally going too see Sum 41 live to - another dream comes true and I must share this positivity and happiness with all of you

And that’s not the end, because Iron Maiden announced a tour which includes 4 stops in germany. They’re coming with Disturbed, which I want to see live since my childhood too,to Bremen and I’m like “come on, don’t make me poor” :rofl::rofl:. For the other stops Iron Maiden plays with other bands like Airborne for example.

09.06.2020 is Tuesday - and that isn’t so good :sweat_smile:


Wow! :exploding_head:
Thanks for the tip!
I want to go, see Sum 41 in Berlin. :partying_face:


Good morning everybody :black_heart:
I’m sorry if I disappear so often (@anna834 @framos1792 thank you for thinking and caring about me, I truly appreciate all of your messages :black_heart:)
I had a surgery, troubles with my boyfriend, exams (still not finished, I have the last one tomorrow)…and so on
So yeah, kinda messed up
I just need some time to fix things


You are here and it’s your birthday :exploding_head::partying_face::partying_face:

Wish you a great day! And that everything get solved! Take your time! We go nowhere!
Always here for you!

Edit tending sheep and it’s so cold, that I have to warm up my fingers on the mug, to get the touchscreen working. So not to long a spech. :cold_face:


Ahahaha, yeah, it is! I’m spending the day studying tho :joy:
I wish you a great day too :black_heart:
Everything will be fine…one way or another things will get better. In the meantime I just need to find a way to avoid “drowning”
and yeah, thank you for being here :black_heart:


Morning everyone!

Been a busy week as usual for me lol BUT with great news!
I got moved over into the art department where I can design a bit more while at work (yay me!) My Boss has seen that I want to design and wants to help me get all the experience that I can. So small victory for me :partying_face:

I am doing well Thanks for asking :hugs: Just been a hectic past few weeks lol. Sadly no new mug of the day… yet :wink:
Hope all is going well with you? :smile:

Perfect!! :rofl: I still need to master the “Carlton” :joy:

Movie was pretty good! I’m sad they only made one… but oh well …
I believe there are 9 main books - 9 side books, and I believe 3 more books that tie into the main 9… The author definitely put work into it!

Alright Well I gotta run so to everyone I really hope you are all having a wonderful day!!


@anna834 just remember all this craziness won’t last. Some days are darker than others, but there are better days. Keep your head up and keep on going. Sending you strength. Keep talking, and don’t delete it. It’s a good thing to write things out and reach out when you need to. We’re all here for you.

@gabridc98 Sending you strength too. Good Luck with your exam!

Congratulations @justinkilmer!

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Awwww, thx! I’m trying to be a good member. :wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Things are blah here, too much to go into. I really need a therapist. Originally had an appointment but had to cancel bc she’s too far away, as in 30 minutes (I don’t drive right now & my ride won’t take me).

How are you?!?!?!??!?!? :purple_heart:


@lplove that’s shit…:hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: I hope you’ll find another therapist nearer and asap… if you like pm me on discord… I saw you joined the server lately… and I’m good- just came home from work… weekend for me :tada::sunny: Since I don’t work Fridays :grin:


I’m gonna to see them in Offenbach :heart_eyes::grimacing::metal:t2:

@justinkilmer great news!
@gabridc98 Happy birthday :relaxed:
@AJ_7 this last sentence - so true! :pray:t2:
@lplove it takes strenght and courage to make this step - And it’s a step forward! :muscle:t2:
@theearlywalker sorry, but the week-end oldschool picture post is planned for tomorrow :rofl::crazy_face: enjoy your week-end! :slight_smile: Maybe I can surprise you tomorrow


Yea, there’s one closer but no new patients till end of December/January. :roll_eyes:

I am on discord, just with a different name. I’ll try to find ya next time I go on there, probably later tonight for me. :hugs::hugs::purple_heart:

Sometimes I have and sometimes I don’t, today is a don’t day. But thank you. :blush::purple_heart: