Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA


She just shut you up with a big fat NO

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Ahh? What? I wasn’t here.

Ahh this, actually, I was not asking her if she wants, she has to do it. That or :cricket_bat_and_ball: for Batman. She chooses.

I’m top place… who’s challenging my throne!!! :crown:


No problem, I choose this option:

A pair of idiots and @anna834 jajaja


Yey! Perfect! :slight_smile:

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Post 100 :crazy_face:

Post number 101 …

Someone enjoys his own spam topic :upside_down_face:

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Do what is necessary


Well yeah :joy: The vol IV will be opened by @framos1792 he deserves it

I finally found you guys!!! lol. I couldn’t remember the name of this post. :roll_eyes: I was so bored yesterday. :disappointed: Hope y’all had a a good day.

So hubby dislikes the fact that I have multiple boyfriends. Lately I’ve been focused on my phone, which is unusual. He asked what was wrong, told him nothing, which is the truth but didn’t believe me. Kept repeatedly asking. :roll_eyes::angry: Idk how many ways I can say nothing is wrong, just looking up stuff. I went from kinda looking at my tablet to my phone, only bc all the stuff I’m looking at are in apps. So he really wanted to know exactly what I was looking up. I knew it would hurt his feelings but he wanted to know. I told him the basics, not details. What was I supposed to do?!? And anyways, he ALWAYS on his phone, talking to people in imgur, trolling the site, laughing. Notifications are constantly going off, even at 3am… and he has an issue with me and my phone?!?

Yea sure, normally I crochet but I needed a break. Please, guys, I need perspective. Apologies for the rant. Thx.


Lol just tag us anywhere and we can light the way :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahhhh well that’s so not cool of you to have multiple boyfriends :exploding_head:
By multiple how many do you mean? :exploding_head:

What would hurt his feelings exactly? :confused:
Looking from his point of view only, not knowing anything besides what he knows then it’s natural for a little bit of worry to creep in, from what you’ve said, you both rely on each other quite a bit so anything that threatens that can feel well…threatening

I’d say it would be best to just be clear with things :slightly_smiling_face:

I assume the multiple boyfriends is a joke :stuck_out_tongue: and that it just means you spending lots of time here reading and messing around

I mean…shoot…if I were him I’d be worried that there’s this super cool super attractive batman hanging around anywhere near my girl :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so I totally get his worry :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Nah…kidding kidding, just let him read some of our posts and he’ll realize that at least me personally I’m just a loser behind a screen 2000miles away from y’all :grin: that’s the guy who gets in trouble the most here so if he ain’t gotta worry about an idiot like me who’s Gaga over someone else then everyone else is saintly by comparison :crazy_face:

People here just want to belong I’d say, to share common interests with one another

I don’t think that would hurt anyone’s feelings
I’ve mentioned a couple times to include him :slight_smile: when @melisLP hung out here MOREEEE, her husband wouldn’t come on here but there’d be mention and she’d tell him When we’d say stuff about him
That asshole has flipped me off before even! :triumph::fu:t3:(Yeah pat! I memberrrrr :unamused:) Lol :grimacing:

There’s no need to keep things away from your best connection-him
Y’all enrich each other’s lives, that’s why you’re together right?
Just…not knowing things…having mystery cloud your thoughts, knawing doubt about those you love…those things affect more than some people realize sometimes

Honesty is the best policy :blush:

Also…try to not compare that he does the same on his computer wherever it is :blush: it’s who he is as you are who you are
We change a bit with time so it’s just a matter of changing together to be able to acclimate to things so no rifts emerge :+1:t3:

Right, tagging, thx

Multiple boyfriends, yes, complete joke and he knows it. He has girlfriends and I’m fine with that. Lol

Hurt feelings: to know exactly what I was looking up… especially with Shinoda lately. Idk why I’m so fascinated with him lately, just am. I had to re-purpchase all of the LP albums bc I can’t find them. Yea, I have them on my phone thru spotify and Amazon but I wanted the booklets. And I was finally able to buy the book form of PT (which i still haven’t gotten yet, it’s been 3.5 weeks :disappointed:).
He knows I talk to a lot of you, that you’re all across the world… including an attractive batman, :wink:.
I don’t really keep much of anything from him. He knows 99.99999999% of everything I do. That tiny portion, is stuff like Shinoda or bday/xmas stuff… that’s all.


Soooooooo you’re obsessed with mike? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::confused:
I know exactly how he feels :unamused: stupid rob bourdon and mike Shinoda and and and and :unamused:

Let me introduce him to Jen Ledger :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Let him see the liiiiiight :heart_eyes:

In that case, grab the sandal, smack him around, give him a kiss, and tell him to sack up and be your man And not a whimp :triumph:

Yea, just a tad. What’s wrong with Rob?!?
These are all of my pages open at the moment


I’ll even use his own sandal, Hahahaha

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What isn’t wrong? He’s a terrible drummer, Jen is the far better drummer,
Terrible guy, terrible looks, terrible personality
Just awful guy :roll_eyes:

That’s just going too far :flushed:
You don’t turn a man’s sandal on him :flushed::persevere:

Chief. Halloween is over. Can’t be posting stuff like that still :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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