HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Good morning everyone!
Happy Saturday!

Only one hair??? Why… why not all of them? :crazy_face:

Bad fight with the joker again? :wink: haha hope all is well and that it heals quick!


Glad they figured out the meds! And happy to hear your doing better!! And yay no more flu!!

Nice!! So exciting!! Honestly skillet is one of the top bands to see live in my opinion!! Hope you enjoy it (when the time comes lol)

Say it as much as needed! This IS a great community to be apart of! Everyone is basically like a second family here! Even if you might be on the opposite side of the world from me :joy:

Bug hug to you today! :hugs: hope you enjoy your free weekend and loud music (no one enjoys cleaning unless you do then I retract my statement :joy:)

Eat away! :joy: there have been times (not recently though lol) that I’ll get home from work and say screw it cereal for supper :joy:

@anna834 hoping all is well on your side today :hugs:

Ot: packing and getting ready to leave for the day

Hoping everyone has a great weekend!!


that’s always the best beginning of a story: “…when we ‘met’ for the first time, I didn’t like you” :rofl::metal:t2:

thanks to all of you for the nice words, so I got a ‘special’ for you soldiers:

I hope that I didn’t post this already :rofl: - another one of my best girlfriends made me this in late 2017 after the tragedy. It’s in my own ‘Linkin Park bar room’ with many other pictures, flags, scarfs, tour shirts from the PT Tour (with autographs from Mike and Matthias) etc. :heart: - I hope you enjoy this art, like I do

Wishing all soldiers a good saturday and thanks for the support of my ‘picture and wallpaper’ posts - I appreciate it very much :heart::pray:t2: and also I love to share this with all of you too :partying_face::star_struck::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you Justin- @justinkilmer and put it it to the chaos inside of my head :crazy_face:… but now extra big CONGRATULATIONS :tada::champagne::confetti_ball: for getting the new position :blush::+1:t2::tada:- it’s definitely in your blood- you already demonstrated it here, you’re a great designer :heart_eyes:


I’ll explain it the best I can: it’s during the early time of when A Thousand Suns came out… Mikey had his shaggy/Bieber hair. Swear he was in the main studio, sat down talking to Chester or Brad, someone… and moved his head to the right to flip the hair outta his eyes. Then he got ‘mad’ & laughed saying he would never flip his hair. That’s all I remember.

I can’t remember if it was before or after this clip:

Edit: maybe it’s an interview and not lptv?

You have to work Monday? It’s a friggen holiday.

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Hey you:sunflower:
on a Saturday and hopefully outside of time :relaxed:

Hit the road at 5:30 this morning, and drove the 550 km home. There I decided not to stop, would have never get up anymore. So fridge grocery shopping, laundry, unpacking, meat zipping for the freezer… but now, I’m finished. Shaky with exhausting and not sure if I’m not asleep befor this post is finished. :upside_down_face:

@HakManLP at 7 I passed Kassel. Switched from blasting loud OMLL to even louder breaking the habit just for sending some greetings in your direction. :hugs::green_heart:
Yesterday, I tried to reach my boss, cause of the work timeline in February. But no luck. So I ordered two Sum 41 tickets :partying_face::partying_face: one for Berlin and one for Offenbach. So where ever I am at that time, one goes back. And I will see Sum 41 :tada: and maybe you :grin:

Back and forth :revolving_hearts:

I do, I do :joy: thank you! Big hug :hugs::orange_heart:

Yeah! :star_struck: and this time, you show :sunglasses:

Thank you for sharing :blush: Hope you enjoy your weekend! Take a hug :hugs::heart_decoration:

Nice try :upside_down_face:

Didn’t work so far :crazy_face:

Never too many :partying_face::partying_face::hugs::purple_heart::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow:

That’s what I love here :hugs::notes:

Wow! Cool!
I did it once, not the donation. But going from really long hair to 3mm. What a great experience! :grin: :heart::hugs::heart:

Probably true! And for sure starting a Blitzkrieg befor he gets my sheep! :triumph:
But of course if a sheep would help you, I present you one. :hugs::blue_heart:

No, no, repeat as much as you want, and we do quote it again :grin: great words! :hugs: :heart:

Me? Never heard of :flushed:
on a scale 1 - 10 how confused are you?
Just to 10
The scale.
Which one?
How confused you are.
Ah, right … 17

@lpfan61 this :point_up_2: exactly!:heart: especially the needed part :triumph:

:heart_eyes: big hug from the opposite of the world :laughing::hugs::yellow_heart:

Love it!:star_struck: Thanks :blush:

@lplove strength to you :hugs::brown_heart:

Good rest to your :hugs::yellow_heart:

@jrtrussell cause I untagged you yesterday :see_no_evil: :rofl::hugs::green_heart:

Home sweet home! :blush:
And no real thinking, please! :upside_down_face:
The last words yesterday evening from my boss and friend on the farm I worked were somewhere in the line of:
I see you sway on top of a cliff. Back and forth. Nobody is helped if you tumble over. Do something about it, thats now important.
Ja, ja



Thank you. Have a good day/afternoon/evening. :hugs::purple_heart::hugs::purple_heart::hugs::purple_heart::hugs::purple_heart::hugs::hugs::purple_heart:

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Okay, what’s your favorite phone music player and do ya pay? Free spotify? Spotify individual or family plan? Amazon prime music? Basically uses anything in addition to your phones music?

I ask bc there’s soooooooo many songs Google play can’t seem to register (on my phone) even though I named them in the computer before i loaded them onto my phone. Hopefully that made sense. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Maybe you make a poll in the poll topic, would be fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh man, I missed you! :laughing: haha! Yeah we’re trend setters :clinking_glasses: bath ahoy! :grin:

Good to know and glad you’re on the mend :hugs: Seems you’ve had it real tough lately :frowning: I know the feeling… always remember, you’re going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine… (Mike said so!) :wink: :revolving_hearts: We are here for you!

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Hello guys! I hope you’re all good! Sending positive vibes and strength and all that, especially to @LP13413, I feel you!

It’s been crazy for me the last week or so, I don’t have enough time to catch properly in here. Kudos to @AJ_7 and @the_termin8r for putting up with my rants all through this week.

Enjoy your weekend guys! I hope it’s not as cold and rainy at your ends as it is over here.


Thanks for all the love @theearlywalker :hugs::heart::hugs::heart: Skillet is a well deserved break for you. Enjoy yourself and let us know how the show goes!

@evooba you already know this, but always here. Wishing things get easier for you.

@anna834 :hugs::hugs:

@lpfan61 :hugs::hugs::sunny::sunny:

glad to hear!

@framos1792 I see you typing. I hope the x-ray went well and that you are feeling better

A bit late, I missed your post, sending you strength @IronSoldier16

Have a great night/day everyone!


Promises I can’t keeeep :notes: Lol jk idk kinda true though, you never know :upside_down_face:

Hehe that’s what it was :grin: thank you very much :hugs: all good just taking a while :crazy_face:

:joy: the nail that sticks out gets the hammer :nerd_face:

You just haven’t seen me, I had 3 hairs before and I could do a pony tail, then one fell out and I did pigtails for a while :slightly_frowning_face: one fateful day I lost a second hair so I let it hang loose lol it’s just a little too loose now So getting the scissor :upside_down_face: or nail clipper, that works too lol

Lol it wasn’t the joker we know but he was definitely a joke lol
It was a skirmish with someone else and this guy came at me blind sided full on tackle lol
We were fairly even once we were swinging, he’d hit me with his fists and I’d hit his fists with my nose :triumph: I landed a few good nose pokes, I saw blood on his fists so I think I got him too :rofl:
Jk on the fists and nose stuff, just a joke
Like I said just got blind sided unaware during the fight so idk if landed wrong or the impact, it was literally like a 3min thing max
It’s been 3-4 weeks now so alls good…

Lucky I wasn’t trying lol

Thank you :hugs: took them but this time I didn’t get to see them as it was an imaging center thingy with no doc :crazy_face:
Doc will say but yeah no worries, one of those things where it’s just time needed

Have a good night and happy Sunday tomorrow :hugs:


About to watch a movie…just need to decide what one though…suggestions??

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Last one I watched and liked was: the green book
Hey @alz89 :hugs::green_heart:

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Ooh AWESOME! I’m really looking forward to see and MEET them! :heart: It’s so cool that you are going to! :heart_eyes: Let me know how it was?!

Hahah thanks :laughing: :pray: wish you the best luck to!

Oh yes! Its amazing! Cool Chester paint! :heart_eyes: you make Chester proud! :pray: :hugs:

Nice you to?! Awesome! @Lilyope is seeing them to! In freaking Paris! :heart_eyes:

Wow, yeah that’s something different yeah. Wauw! :hushed: how long is it now?

Spotify, definitely! If that stupid app works… sometimes they like to change to much in the freaking app, :triumph: so I had some problems with it a couple of months ago, now it works fine… till how long that will take :laughing:

Hahahaha :laughing: Yes we are! :heart:

Thanks dear! :heart: good to feel better… it’s been though yeah… but focus on the good things now!

Its okay! Take your time, join while you can and want to :smiley:
And yeah its freezing cold here!! Aarrg :cold_face:

What do you like? Action? Drama?
Ive been watching the Netflix serie ‘Lost in Space’ 2 times now, its so good! I’m looking forward for the second season! Just 1,5 months and then it will be there!! :heart:

Good night or morning people!
Was a good day today, did a lot of laundry today, cleaned the house. Meet up with friends, was good to see them again! :smiley:
Just finished watching the movie Insurgent from the Divergent series, was a good movie to watch again. :smiley:

Much love family , take care :heart:


I watched ‘hot bot’ yesterday with friends(they decided to watch that-and even knew it before)and i can tell you,DON’T WATCH THAT​:joy::joy:it’s a non- sense movie,super trash. It was funny for some situations ,but i think only bc it was with friends. Ok,sorry that wasn’t a suggestion​:grin:so one funny movie i got suggested recently(but haven’t watched yet- but sounded funny ,if you want a Comedy)is a french movie called ms. Poulette. It’s about a grandma selling drugs


Just when I thought I had a day off.

I got urgent call to go into work earlier. Somebody had pulled the fire alarm because they thought they had smelled smoke from inside the gym. Come to find out, in the boys locker room, one of the motors in the ceiling had burned out.

The only thing I literally had to do today was sit by the open doors as they aired the school out for a minute.

It’s 34°F (1°C) outside.


Oh no​:eyes:at my school,we also had that but in the canteen and the cook almost burnt some potatoes or something and fire alarms went on and like 5 fire fighters’ cars came… so unneccessary(we had to wait outside, but it was a bit wormer than 1 °C,i’m sorry for you​:open_mouth::raised_hands::heart:)

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Thank :slight_smile: :hugs:

But I can be sure that we will a lot of years :slight_smile:

On Topic: Going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.


I was just working and my WM player playing all my music on random and suddenly, heard this…

… and I was thinking this was made 2006 but still like it was meant for me just now. Faith, heaven, … - call it whatever, but it is out there watching over us, never leaves us alone, just have to look up :slight_smile: :sunny: