HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

will do :hugs::purple_heart:

What did I miss? :face_with_monocle:

:blush: :heart: :green_heart: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: just had dinner, tired, need to rest cause I have work tomorrow :muscle:

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Same as before from the group :upside_down_face:

Still haven’t healed up

@AJ_7 yeah no worries, busted ribs :grimacing::zipper_mouth_face: lol
Thank you for your words :hugs:

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No idea what happened, but get well soon. We need our Batman to be 100% to keep coming in to save the day on the forums


thanks for sharing this picture and story - just awesome! :heart_eyes:
@justinkilmer and @framos1792 yes, I’m feeling good :sunglasses:

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Going to see Sum41 on January in Paris :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Weeekend of 3 days begins tonight :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
I can’t wait to sleep tomorrow morning :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
I know there are too many smileys on my post :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


I’m doing well thanks. I love your mugs! Awesome coffee :drooling_face:

Yes, I am interested!! I particularly love things with lyrics on them :wink:

@drounzer Are you feeling any better? :tea: :hugs: I hope you’ve recovered and are back to full strength. :slight_smile:

@anna834 I think you’ve edited your posts but I saw them in my email notifications. I try to be funny, yet I too get irritable when I’m misrepresented. And to be fair I was given a lot of flack over having an opinion - which wasn’t right - particularly from three different users at once. So not everything I said was in humour but in self defense. However, likewise I don’t enjoy any level of disagreement but accept sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, and that I will always do. We all have different tastes in music but it’s not worth fighting over it. And yes, my humour will get me killed one day, but what a way to go! :wink: :laughing:


You found my comment funny?
It was intended that way!
But I got ripped apart for it :grimacing::laughing::crazy_face:

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I’m the one that asked for changes
Felt it would get out of hand

Anyway by now you know I’m just poking at you
Aaaaand Jared likes chaos as much as I do
It’s the ONLY thing that unites us :upside_down_face:

Anyway y’all chicks are just weird, go argue wherever you want :roll_eyes:

Exaggeration of the century :+1:
I’m the one having to take the crazy german chick blitzkrieg :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Ripped by who? I thought it was hilarious! How are you anyway?

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Oh, so there’s a secret forum where you all talk about me? I’m thrilled.

And there you go :expressionless:
Just…just… 🚶🏻‍♂️

I’m on ig, my email is up, I have my number up in various places, @intheend has sold my number to marketing companies, reported me to irs, put it up on the black market, and added me to farmers only

It’s easy to contact me when needed :upside_down_face:

Heeeey that’s an awesome idea :flushed: how long does it have to be?

Congrats! :partying_face:
Was it Bayern or is that @HakManLP?
But in Amsterdam :thinking: Ajax?


Hello dear. Yes feeling much better. :hugs: :heart: Take some rest and take good care of myself. The shit that happened last weeks scared the crap out of me… so the realization is coming from what have happend to me :flushed:

Yes! :muscle: how are you?! :smiley:

@anna834 :heart: :smiley: :heart:

@theearlywalker appointment you mean with the doc? She was shocked to about what happend to me. I’ve got lower medication, so feeling much better, also done with the flu. :muscle: going to good way :smiley:

Cool!! :metal: here to :sunglasses:

Good to hear! :muscle: :smiley:
Nice things are good

BATH CINEMA! just saying it!! @zanybelle everyone is enjoying… :laughing:

Me to… but i want to donate my hair. I havr 3 cm to go and then i can donate it. :pray:

How was it?!
What is your favorite dish/meal? :tongue: :smiley:

I in AMSTERDAM!! nice one!! :muscle: :sunglasses: :heart:

Im out again, to a soccr match :soccer:
My team won 3-0 :muscle:
I kind of feel that the weight of the world felt off my shoulders :crazy_face: feeling much better. :smiley:

Take care family, much love!




If I can help someone with some hair, im happy to help :smiley:
It has to be 30cm / 11,8 inch… now im at 27cm :slight_smile:

Not Amsterdam, but Nijmegen NEC!!!

How are you?

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Hi. Trying to find a video of Mikey & Chester, I think for someone on IG but it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it. Search continues. Why are we all going to doctors for radiology and crap? :thinking::purple_heart:

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I will :sweat_smile:

Is he? :thinking: :joy: jk!

Thanks man. I’ll have it in mind.

FML :confounded: a dancing onion will haunt me even beyond the life :joy: jk
Thanks man, but this bag of bones still will be living a lot of years :slight_smile:

Jajajaja she will sacrifice you first :rofl:

You won’t go anyway before me :unamused: promise me


On topic: Eating cereal at 22:15. Don’t question me why :joy:


What video?

On topic, fresh off another night at work, and I’m free until Monday, when I’ll be working five hours.


Enjoy your free time, dude :slight_smile:


:sunny::sunny::sunny::heart:Good morning shout out to the best community in the whole universe :heart::sunny::sunny::sunny:

Just booked the hotel for Skillet for the 30th this month - :heart_eyes: - almost forgot about it :joy: - from that you can imagine maybe a lil bit from how bursting full my head is- need to make some tidying in the brain - luckily I have a free weekend and with this enough time to make it :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: while tidying the house - with loud music :notes: :notes: ofc - my mood is perfectly fine :partying_face::crazy_face::innocent: and for the first time in the last 2 years I feel really like if I stepped up and grew within all the challenges life gave to me…

Sorry for the fact that I probably repeat myself :roll_eyes: BUT: without you guys here and the people I met here who became real life friends over the years- it would have been so much harder- thank y’all for always being here - for all the empowerment you gave to me :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:- all the hugs :hugs: and love :heart: I got that gave me power for the way… I‘m very thankful and feel blessed :pray:t2:

Now that I had the chance to catch up- I’ve to leave a few tags :wink:

@framos1792 :hushed: huh??? Xray??? What is with your ribs?? Too much bonecrushers??? Wish you a speedy and complete recovery asap :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: sending you strength and a very soft hug :hugs:

@drounzer :wink: probably some people need a physiotherapist after a bonecrusher :joy: and yes- I meant the appointment with your doc :tada::tada: sooo happy that you feel better!! Your better mood is absolutely sensible in your posts - only awesome :clap:t2:

@anna834 lol- yes, I started to write a post here yesterday but got disturbed by sth- and completely forgot to send it out then later :joy:- probably related to the chaos in my head :crazy_face: and since you’re a :crazy_face: :chicken: too- I know you can relate to that :joy: thanx for your all mentions - always appreciated and enjoyed :hugs::yellow_heart: take care!

Thanx @HakManLP - great wallpaper again :heart_eyes: also I forgive you that I had to wait until Friday to get it to see :stuck_out_tongue: jk :joy: - but seriously your posts are so nice and full of good energy :muscle:t2::sunny: always, thank you for bringing in such good vibes ( … when I remember how we met for the first time here where I honestly felt only pissed bc of this flashmob thing for Mike :see_no_evil: my feelings towards you changed 100% - it’s so great to have you here :sunny::blush: - and these words are meant as a kinda excuse for me being rude back then … :blush:)

@Lilyope enjoy your free days! You so deserve this!!

@kimims2010 :scream: saw on IG what happened :hugs::hugs::heart: - sending you strength and I pray for you to have a speedy recovery :muscle:t2::hugs::hugs::yellow_heart:

@AJ_7 always just happy to find your powerful posts here- you are just a special caring person :heart: I only love and appreciate you :hugs::kissing_heart:- and since karma is ruling you will get so much love in return- I just felt like being a part of this flow :heart:

@lpfan61 sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: and the power of love :heart: :kissing_heart: take good care of yourself- you’re needed here - bonecrusher sunshiny hugs for you dear :sunny::hugs::sunny::hugs:

@zanybelle :joy::joy: killed by humor :rofl: lmao - great idea :crazy_face:

Have a great day now soldiers- let the love touch you and feel the spirit from that special place here- it’s a great armor to stay strong there outside :muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart:

Ot: finally starting to make order … :dancer: :notes:

@LP13413 :sunny::sunny: extra nice good morning to you Andy :sunny::sunny:yaaay for having free finally :tada: enjoy your weekend :blush:


Good morning my lp family. Im up early in the morning im off this weekend. And am up at 6 am for nothing. Ill go back to sleep soon . But anyway i hope u all have a great weekend. Love you all