HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Ahahaha, yeah, it is! I’m spending the day studying tho :joy:
I wish you a great day too :black_heart:
Everything will be fine…one way or another things will get better. In the meantime I just need to find a way to avoid “drowning”
and yeah, thank you for being here :black_heart:


Morning everyone!

Been a busy week as usual for me lol BUT with great news!
I got moved over into the art department where I can design a bit more while at work (yay me!) My Boss has seen that I want to design and wants to help me get all the experience that I can. So small victory for me :partying_face:

I am doing well Thanks for asking :hugs: Just been a hectic past few weeks lol. Sadly no new mug of the day… yet :wink:
Hope all is going well with you? :smile:

Perfect!! :rofl: I still need to master the “Carlton” :joy:

Movie was pretty good! I’m sad they only made one… but oh well …
I believe there are 9 main books - 9 side books, and I believe 3 more books that tie into the main 9… The author definitely put work into it!

Alright Well I gotta run so to everyone I really hope you are all having a wonderful day!!


@anna834 just remember all this craziness won’t last. Some days are darker than others, but there are better days. Keep your head up and keep on going. Sending you strength. Keep talking, and don’t delete it. It’s a good thing to write things out and reach out when you need to. We’re all here for you.

@gabridc98 Sending you strength too. Good Luck with your exam!

Congratulations @justinkilmer!

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Awwww, thx! I’m trying to be a good member. :wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Things are blah here, too much to go into. I really need a therapist. Originally had an appointment but had to cancel bc she’s too far away, as in 30 minutes (I don’t drive right now & my ride won’t take me).

How are you?!?!?!??!?!? :purple_heart:


@lplove that’s shit…:hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: I hope you’ll find another therapist nearer and asap… if you like pm me on discord… I saw you joined the server lately… and I’m good- just came home from work… weekend for me :tada::sunny: Since I don’t work Fridays :grin:


I’m gonna to see them in Offenbach :heart_eyes::grimacing::metal:t2:

@justinkilmer great news!
@gabridc98 Happy birthday :relaxed:
@AJ_7 this last sentence - so true! :pray:t2:
@lplove it takes strenght and courage to make this step - And it’s a step forward! :muscle:t2:
@theearlywalker sorry, but the week-end oldschool picture post is planned for tomorrow :rofl::crazy_face: enjoy your week-end! :slight_smile: Maybe I can surprise you tomorrow


Yea, there’s one closer but no new patients till end of December/January. :roll_eyes:

I am on discord, just with a different name. I’ll try to find ya next time I go on there, probably later tonight for me. :hugs::hugs::purple_heart:

Sometimes I have and sometimes I don’t, today is a don’t day. But thank you. :blush::purple_heart:

Okay, I’ve been extremely curious, as in since 2017, about 1 of Mike’s songs… okay an LP song but technically Mike’s. Problem is I don’t know the best way to ask and I don’t wanna offend anyone. I think I know the answer but I’d like to hear other opinions. :thinking::confused:

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No excuses ma’am, the challenge can’t be denied by any way.

On topic: Still alive and better than today in morning. I had an anxiety attack out of my house. Thanks God the place I was had a clinic and they helped me.

When I was passing through that I thought about all of you, my 2 bosses and my students. I was a bit afraid to die, I don’t want to die now, I have goal to fulfil like a trip to Mexico in 2022 or 2023.

I am glad to be here, guys. I love you all.


For the first time in eight months, I walked out of work to see a dusting of snow on the ground.

I would have love to have gotten my bike back out. Thanks to work, though, the twelve-hour days kind of spoiled any nice weather we’ve had over the last month or so.

On topic, I just finished dinner, and I’m settled in for the night.


Hey guys what ever hour you just have! :wave::sunny::sunny:

Sigh, you are right. But I can so feel this needs too. Love you :two_hearts:

Just go for higher ground :upside_down_face:

:partying_face::partying_face: congrats!:hugs:

Tell that to my live! :crazy_face:
Really thank you my dear for your words! :hugs::yellow_heart:

Nice fitting description :joy:
all the best for you! :hugs::yellow_heart:

Yeah! :partying_face: Thats the thing, I don’t know if this will be in worktime or when I am at home.
Berlin is closer to home, Offenbach to work. :thinking:


Let it check!! Not for everything is batman a modle! :triumph:
Always remember, you have a goal to go for!:tada: And we are here along the way! Love you too! :hugs::blue_heart:

As much as snow annoys me after a while. This silent float of the first flakes, deep breath, just beautiful!
An old picture for you:
Be good to yourself and a bear hug! :hugs::orange_heart:

@theearlywalker saw you tipping :heart: Weekend! :tada: Thank you for being you :hugs:

@Lilyope :hugs::purple_heart::t_rex::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@anngelenee miss you :hugs::green_heart:
you too @lpfan61 :sunflower::hugs:

@drounzer :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Thats with me right now
Last day! :partying_face::partying_face:
So, sheep getting pushy to walk on.

Love to you all! :heart::revolving_hearts::heart::revolving_hearts::heart:


Feel free to ask :slight_smile: I’m really addicted to music lyrics, so maybe I can help you ? =)

@IronSoldier16 That’s a good suggestion, which will give you more positivity and good feelings. Stay strong, we’re here for you :muscle:t2:

@LP13413 what did you eat?

@gabridc98 take your time and make step by step

@anna834 of course Offenbach so we can meet each other and got a good time with Sum 41! :crazy_face::grimacing::metal:t2::metal:t2:

@zanybelle, @drounzer, @AJ_7 , @evooba @framos1792 are you doing well too? =)

My todays mug is a gift from one of my best girlfriends - I’m a big Metallica-Fan and also got an “…and beer for all” cup (original from the concert in Berlin this year) - so when I’m drinking coffee or beer, I got the right thing for each situation :rofl::crazy_face::metal:t2:

I sent this picture also to her and she answered with this picture
This mug was gift from me to her -Yeah, we’re addicted to Metallica :laughing::heart::metal:t2:

so like I promised @theearlywalker here is the weekend post :laughing::sunglasses::nerd_face:

are you ready guys?


it fits with the todays weather in Germany and it’s one of the first band pics back in the Hybrid Theory days - damn, I miss these :sob: Chester and Mike with that hairstyle, whcih I had to copy back in 2001 :heart_eyes::rofl:

Hope you gonna enjoy this picture with these nostalgic feelings like I do :yum:

Wishing all soldiers a good weekend and spread positivity and good feelings to anybody, who needs them :metal:t2::pray:t2::heart:


I would say those pants’ legs get wet and dirty easily when it rains :slight_smile: but I love the style and the HT time.

Sending love back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Forgot to congratulate you on that. Great news! Great to have a boss who understands and accepts what you want to do at work (mine gives me what I hate :woozy_face:) .


I know how it feels sometimes, like nothing goes right. Just keep going. You got this far in your life, and you will get through now as well :hugs::hugs:

@HakManLP not too bad! Loving your old school LP pictures. How are you doing? I hope you had a good day.

@evooba I hope you had a good day :hugs:

Special shout out to @LP13413. Sending good vibes your way. I hope you have a good day

Have a good night/day everyone


Hey all!

Bit later than usual today.

I think I finally got myself all settled in at my new spot lol

Thanks :smile: it is a bit nice, I was upfront with her earlier this year and straight up told her (nicely lol) that I want to do more design work and if there was an opportunity else where I would try for it. Which I guess she must want me to stay here then :joy:
That really stinks you boss give you the crappy jobs (crappy only because you dislike it lol)
Hopefully someday you’ll get to do the fun things you want!

Thanks :smile::hugs:

Hoping all is well with you!

@HakManLP love the Metallica Mug!! :metal:

Sending love right back :smile:

Hoping everyone is having a good Friday! and hope you all enjoy the weekend! I got Conned into going to a “nerdy” Convention this weekend so Imma have to dress up as Star-Lord and take photos for you all :joy:


Andyyyy :partying_face:
Good morning/noon to you!
Have a good rest of your day :grin::muscle:t3::+1:t3:

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I polished off the last of the leftover (inside-out!) chicken Parmesan, angel hair and garlic sticks last night.

When I was 13 or 14, my family and I were on our annual vacation to Six Flags. One of the prizes I won that year was a framed picture from that photo shoot.

Five years ago, at the first LPU Summit on the Carnivores Tour, since it was at the same theme park, I brought that photo back and I had the band sign it. It also marked my last interaction with Chester.


On topic, I just took a much-needed hot bath, and now I’m watching another dusting of snow fall. One more night of work, and then a three-day weekend! As far as I know, I’m off the hook, but there’s still a chance I might have to work on Monday.




That’s fantastic!!! :partying_face: you and @Lilyope now :partying_face: they’re gonna be awesome :grin:

You’re in so much trouble for disappearing :nerd_face:
We’re just happy to see that you’re well :slightly_smiling_face: too much going on but life is long and you’re young so chin up and look to the bright days ahead :hugs:

Fml I sound old as hell…

Breathing :upside_down_face:
We already have a fish here, you’re a nice human girl so just breathe the fresh pure air and let it calm you :grin:

Ask here too so others can give opinions :slightly_smiling_face:

Love you too bro…
remember, you die I won’t let you rest-I’ll constantly be on that bloody weejie board ouija? Whatever the hell it is, I’ll go sacrifice @anna834’s sheep in a ritual to awaken your lazy ass :triumph: you don’t go til after I go :pleading_face::joy:

I ain’t anyone’s model-I’m the one you tell your children of as an example of a f**k up lmao

Hey :grin: doing good, never better lol
Tryna get back to 100%, living vicariously through my bro playing football lol, and just getting in trouble wherever possible :crazy_face:

Hope you’ve been doing good too! Happy weekend ahead! Long weekend for you too?

Ot: work, more xrays later today, need a haircut again :expressionless:, no work Saturday for a change :partying_face:


I try, lol. I really was having a blah day, having hubby issues, self pity, etc. Today’s better, lpfamily making laugh and cry. :hugs::sob::purple_heart:

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