Tag, you're it!

Awwwwwwwwww!!! :pleading_face: :blush: thank you!! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :cookie:

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Cookie? :thinking:
Nooo you’re the Cookie Monster, I’m the baby monster :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::drooling_face::joy:

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:expressionless: :anger: that was supposed to be special granny cookie… but now I eat it ALL!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes, she would!!!

I don’t know who you are, but I read this and I already love you :heart:
I love learning other languages and Japanese is also my favorite :heart_eyes: saddly I don’t know that much cause I’m just a beginner, but it’s a beautiful language and it’s really fun to learn :relaxed:
Also, just like you I wanna visit Japan someday (and play some shows there, but that’s another story :sweat_smile:)


I tagged you so you would speak to her in Japanese, baka :man_facepalming:

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Thanx for the tags @mish3lka @lplove and @gatsie, here we go:

  • the last weeks were really rough and I haven’t had the time to post but I joined the lurkers squad :joy:

  • all the learning and studying the last years is almost over- got my psychotherapist diploma yesterday :tada::tada::tada: one more colloquial exam in March and it’s finally done

  • thank you all for your help and support- you know who I mean, all your support and well wishes carried me over my heavy days during the process… I really feel blessed having so great friends :heart:

Get a big hug everybody :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I love you guys :heart:

I tag @AJ_7 and @evooba


Congratulations!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: awww, thank you :tada::tada::tada::muscle:t2::hugs:- I cant still believe it myself :joy::joy:

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How long did it take you?

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I started Nov 2017… was besides working- that’s why it took longer than if you only study…

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Got it, that’s awesome though!!!

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Thank you :hugs::yellow_heart: you’re so kind :grin:

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Wow! Congratulations! I had no idea what you’d studied.
Now LPU has its own licenced psychotherapist!


Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you @anomalia :hugs::yellow_heart: and lool :joy::joy::joy: hahaha, yes- but god bless we all care for another, one of the great things here is that there’s always someone there to talk to, but seriously online therapy sector is growing


That’s amazing!! Congrats! :smiley:

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Nice!! Congratulations :partying_face: :confetti_ball:


Thanks for the tag @theearlywalker! Once again congratulations! No one deserves this more than you :heart::hugs::heart::hugs:

  • Ate tacos for dinner. It’s been a while!

  • I just finished making home made granola

  • I have been going through my music and rediscovering some old songs :joy:

I tag @framos1792 and @anngelenee


Thanks :hugs:

  • Just chillin and watching Friends

  • Making coffee

  • I will have the looooong weekend in these week :raised_hands:t4:

@birdy1989 and @Honey8




Sighhh and you’d expect to be happy to see you here :roll_eyes: