Tag, you're it!

Apparently you’re chump boi’s fan boy :rofl:
I appreciate your constant admiration :fist:t3:
Always rooti nu for champs eh? Nats, caps, Batman
Good taste…good taste…

Hella sexist foo lol


Lol :joy: did you know they won the title before reading my post tho? :thinking:

Aye. I admire dedication and hard work and you clearly put a lot of time into your craft :fist:


:shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face: one sexist dude is enough :joy:
I knew back when the Sacramento monarchs were good :sweat_smile::joy:
I even went to a few games to support :nerd_face:
(Sound like a politician appeasing a base :rofl:)

Being a dumbass? Lol
If chump=dumbass then unfortunately I can’t fight it lol
Prolly seen as a chump by some :joy:


I loved the 2nd point lol :laughing::smiley: good to see nice pace flowing . Thanks for the tag !

  • been busy fir 4 days as dad came at home for Diwali fest celebration. Along with that other stuffs happening too. We are slowly shifting things to now home …like frames and some brass idols etc . Dunno when we’d actually shift to new home but sure after 17th November only… (After exams ends :partying_face: )

  • no new project from my side but dropping down writing for some days . I was busy with semester exams . Will be doing inktober topics after exams end.

  • had my dinner relaxing a bit before i hit the bed. And yes it’s good to come here occasionally feels like I’ve come to place where i belong :slightly_smiling_face: my good family. Thanks for welcoming me ! :heart:

I tag @framos1792


That’s a veeery important fact! :rofl:
Hi five chief! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Mu turn! :crazy_face:

1- I got home few minutes ago, going to check forum a bit :crazy_face:
2- Tomorrow is a holiday! Yay! Long weekend ahead! :grin:
3- Going to stay with my baby niece! :heart: :heart_eyes:

Next: @samuel_the_leader @gatsie


Haha, you quoted me. I like that :smirk:

Like your LP story, that’s a lovely journey to the world of LP.


1 I get to work from home upcoming wednesday and thursday.
2 Eating breakfast richt now, because it is 6.30 in the morning
3 I dont think Mike Shinoda’s “fine” is fine.

Tag, you’re it; @IronSoldier16, @theearlywalker


Thanks for the tagging :slight_smile:

  1. I’m fine and feeling good with myself
  2. I’m listening to songs I used to hear for the 2005, now I feel old :see_no_evil:
  3. Maybe I have time this week to check out the things to publish my book. (I don’t promise anything)

@anna834 @LP13413 you’re next.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Let’s see, it’s been a while since I was around here :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t respond to the previous tag in here, never got around to it, but now I’ll join in:

  1. My company had another lay-off about 2 weeks ago. The Dutch and Italian teams were put out of work. Since I was on the Dutch team, that meant I lost my job as well. They gave us references to apply for a different Apple job, but I decided to go into point 2.

  2. I’m moving back to the Netherlands this Sunday. Gonna need to try to find a job there, and I have no idea what that could be… Last year it was a nightmare to try to look for a job, and I’m sure it will be again this time. No idea how it’s going to turn out. But at least I’ll be closer to my best friend again. Yesterday I did my final hike in Ireland and this week I’m gonna do one more bus tour and see a few people one final time before going back.

  3. I ordered the special edition Hybrid Theory hoodie (because it actually has a zipper omg why don’t hoodies have friggin zippers nowadays no matter what store I look in). Then one morning when I was sleepily looking through my bank account I wondered what the 120 euro paypal charge was for; I thought it was something shady and charged it back, then realised it was my hoodie order. The date didn’t match the date in my paypal log, and I thought 129 dollars would amount to much closer to 100 euro than 120 euro, I have no idea why the price is what it is after conversion… anyways, mailed the LPU store about my mistake and said I didn’t want to cancel my order and I wanna fix things. Awaiting a response.


Thanks for tagging :blush:

  1. Talking about languages, I love them too and it’s never too late to learn a new one :slight_smile: Among other ones, I know Japanese which I like the most :blush:

  2. I taught Japanese to little kids, I know grammar and everything but I can’t talk much because I didn’t have time to build a dictionary in my head :sweat_smile: しまった :sweat_smile:

  3. I want to visit Japan one day but somehow there’s never enough money and/or time… :roll_eyes:

@theearlywalker you’re up :blush:


You must speak to @agusdbianco :laughing: she’d love someone to speak to in Japanese

Actually I’m here ignoring my tag for one simple reason :triumph: I am upset with you :triumph::pensive:

It’s been ages since we’ve had an update on little baby soldier Lauricka :pleading_face: she’s no baby no more I bet though :laughing: I imagine in the terrible toddler years now :smiling_imp: my favorite muahaha

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:expressionless: youuuuuu babies stalker!! :anger: :rage: stop chasing OTHERS babies! :anger:


Lmfao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: you weren’t supposed to be here! Get back on your weeee weeee weeeee!!! :rofl:


I’m here… muahaha :relieved: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ok I can’t lie, I’m happy you’re here :pleading_face: I missed you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::hugs:
I need someone to argue with :grin:

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Awwwwwwwwww!!! :pleading_face: :blush: thank you!! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :cookie:

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Cookie? :thinking:
Nooo you’re the Cookie Monster, I’m the baby monster :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::drooling_face::joy:

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:expressionless: :anger: that was supposed to be special granny cookie… but now I eat it ALL!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes, she would!!!

I don’t know who you are, but I read this and I already love you :heart:
I love learning other languages and Japanese is also my favorite :heart_eyes: saddly I don’t know that much cause I’m just a beginner, but it’s a beautiful language and it’s really fun to learn :relaxed:
Also, just like you I wanna visit Japan someday (and play some shows there, but that’s another story :sweat_smile:)