Tag, you're it!

I tagged you so you would speak to her in Japanese, baka :man_facepalming:

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Thanx for the tags @mish3lka @lplove and @gatsie, here we go:

  • the last weeks were really rough and I haven’t had the time to post but I joined the lurkers squad :joy:

  • all the learning and studying the last years is almost over- got my psychotherapist diploma yesterday :tada::tada::tada: one more colloquial exam in March and it’s finally done

  • thank you all for your help and support- you know who I mean, all your support and well wishes carried me over my heavy days during the process… I really feel blessed having so great friends :heart:

Get a big hug everybody :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I love you guys :heart:

I tag @AJ_7 and @evooba


Congratulations!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: awww, thank you :tada::tada::tada::muscle:t2::hugs:- I cant still believe it myself :joy::joy:

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How long did it take you?

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I started Nov 2017… was besides working- that’s why it took longer than if you only study…

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Got it, that’s awesome though!!!

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Thank you :hugs::yellow_heart: you’re so kind :grin:

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Wow! Congratulations! I had no idea what you’d studied.
Now LPU has its own licenced psychotherapist!


Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you @anomalia :hugs::yellow_heart: and lool :joy::joy::joy: hahaha, yes- but god bless we all care for another, one of the great things here is that there’s always someone there to talk to, but seriously online therapy sector is growing


That’s amazing!! Congrats! :smiley:

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Nice!! Congratulations :partying_face: :confetti_ball:


Thanks for the tag @theearlywalker! Once again congratulations! No one deserves this more than you :heart::hugs::heart::hugs:

  • Ate tacos for dinner. It’s been a while!

  • I just finished making home made granola

  • I have been going through my music and rediscovering some old songs :joy:

I tag @framos1792 and @anngelenee


Thanks :hugs:

  • Just chillin and watching Friends

  • Making coffee

  • I will have the looooong weekend in these week :raised_hands:t4:

@birdy1989 and @Honey8




Sighhh and you’d expect to be happy to see you here :roll_eyes:




Just messing with you


Since the… :thinking: 2nd day we met a year or two back, it has been a constant battle :crazy_face:
First day was good, hit it off great but then…she showed her true colors :unamused: verbally abusive, argumentative, just going against me at every turn :roll_eyes:

Jk in general, I poke at everyone if you notice :joy: I’m very non discriminatory in my annoying ness
I’m a big believer in equal rights for men and women so I have to argue both ways :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

2-I just realized whoever made my flannel ran out of red thread on the last button so they used orange :angry: wth :triumph:

3- wanna get out of the city at some point…the longer time goes the more I realize sac is getting crowded and it’s getting annoying

@lplove and @LP13413 y’all are up :slightly_smiling_face:


Hahahah :laughing: why do you?! :crazy_face:

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Me, again!
Oh, guys! You know, I can’t go short.
But thank you, dear @IronSoldier16 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
What this time, maybe some whining?:crazy_face:

  • With 16, I moved out, started working. For my mother and my father, with this, they had finished there job. This wasn’t strang to me, in some ways I had always taken care of myself.
    It’s just now, where my kids are in that age, that I realise what I have managed and how strong I really was.
    I did a voluntary ecological year in a conservation project. Lots of young (from todays perspective :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), activ people, living in trailers and had established a flock of sheep for landscape management. But they had not really any clue and the sheep ran fairly wild. So I took over the flock.

  • With 17 I got sick.
    Pneumonia and asthma.
    It just didn’t go away.
    I got weaker by the day.
    The walk from my trailer to the toilet, a not really to master a task.
    Walk a few meter, standing still, grasping for air, using an asthma container.
    This frustration!
    To can do nothing!
    To depend on this people, I just knew for a year.
    Letting them down in not working anymore.
    Don’t ask, where my parents were, no one showed up. But it was something that I also never expected. When you don’t know how it is, that someone takes care, you don’t miss it.
    Doctor runs, oh, this doctors.
    One said, I was allergic to sheep, I should stop working with them.
    Destroying my life dream.
    So I went for testing. But this doc wouldn’t want to do it, cause he said, if I am highly allergic the test alone would kill me.
    The next doc did the test without even asking me. But see, no allergy against sheep.
    The lung specialist x-rayed my lungs. He said it is the fresh air. And I hadn’t even told him about living in a tailer.
    I should just stop going outside ever again, look for an indoor job, things like that happen…
    And me?
    I started fading.
    The anger, the despair.
    They turned into nothing.
    To see, the others didn’t need me, to get the work done.
    Me, in this bed in my trailer.
    Looking out the window.
    Watching the world move.
    No longer part of it.
    Just fading.
    Then, after at least half a year, one doc suggested to just stop takings the birth control pills.
    And that was it, step by step, I got better.
    Started living again. Regained my old self.
    What a nightmare.
    Later on, no doc believes this, always, that can’t be. Even suggesting to go on another test run. No, thanks. It wasn’t just a rash, it was my life.

  • 8 years later, I got pregnant. I started throwing up and just didn’t stop.
    (Hyperemesis gravidarum is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. Feeling faint may also occur. It is considered more severe than morning sickness. Symptoms often get better after the 20th week of pregnancy but may last the entire pregnancy duration.)
    I had to be hospitalised to get fluids.
    First I shared room with a dying old lady. She was just done with life. But everyday around mealtime her daughter showed up, yelling for every bite she should take.
    The day shift had to much to do, so the washing was the job of the night shift.
    Every morning, at 4:30 the light switched on and the old lady had to be cleaned. She cried the whole time, totally panicy, not understanding what happened to her.
    Then, they were overfilled on the nursery. So they put a mother with a new borne to the old lady, she couldn’t hear the baby cry.
    I got to three elder breast cancer women. All defeated and no, I can’t sleep if I see even the tiniest bit of light. And no, a window open? In sommer? I will get a cold.
    But I got better, at least as much, that I could go home. The nausea never really left.
    For the secend pregnancy, I hoped for a difference. But no. Just that I didn’t want to go to the hospital, no, no.
    First, I did go daily to the doc and got infusions. But soon I was to weak for this. So paramedics came once a day to give me an infusion. They weren’t allowed to give it into the vein, just subcutan. The fluid turned the part under the skin hard and painful.
    But I was fading again.
    Drifting into weak nothingness.
    Watching the days gone by, watching others taking care of my son.
    There was the moment, after 10 days not keeping down even a little bit of food, where I started barfing black blood clots. Time to go to the hospital!
    And this time, I had a room for myself, got better fast. And the rest of the pregnancy wasn’t all that bad.

  • I know, I can’t do short. And even so, a bonus.
    Right now I have a monthly cycle of 23 days, accompanied by heavy bleeding, cramps, migraine and depression attacks. It takes a lot of strength. But with this history of reactions to certain hormones, I am not willing to follow the gynecologist advice, taking some. I try herbs, but no luck so far.

Ups, that’s really long. Sorry.
Who to tag?
Should I try @Fravaco, I already have :heart:
@LP13413 you are also tagged more times :kissing_heart:
You too @alz89 :hugs:
So I tag @agusdbianco come on girl, time to strike back :smiling_imp: love you :heart:
And @Lilyope :purple_heart: :woman_cartwheeling::purple_heart: