What grinds your gears?

That is 1 uptight messed up system right there. My condolences.

It catches me (and others) for the stupidest of things. It also tells you the rough location of where you allegedly copied from. I once was told that I somehow went all the way to a German uni to copy the word ‘the’ from somebody’s paper (for real).

Wow man. So, you cannot write your work in English anymore in case you use commonly used English words. Maybe you should try typing up your next assignment in Klingon? Or invent a language of your own :stuck_out_tongue:

I swear I copied a paragraph right off of Wikipedia (on Archimedes’ principle) and before I copied and pasted it I said “Archimedes principle states that” and then I pasted the paragraph (which I explained in my own words immediately after). Guess what got highlighted. Yep it was the bit that I wrote on my own and not the bloody paragraph that I C&P’d. Maybe it’s because the paragraph was in speech marks and italics.

Oh my. Maybe you should try writing it like this :stuck_out_tongue:

A friend of mine had the idea of typing up your assignment then print screening and cropping it and then pasting it to a new doc and then submitting it because the program can’t register pics. But it’d be too obvious to the teacher.

How about making your entire assignment in Photoshop and then saving the file as a PDF? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not worth the faff. I can’t stand photoshop because you can’t just open it and use it. You need to know what you’re doing.

Photoshop isn’t that hard to learn to understand, really. It’s just software. If all else fails you can always just hand in handwritten work :stuck_out_tongue:

if this is real happening, that it ranks ya own made script more worse than the c/p, go and confront them in the responsibility, that is a NO GO! imo, lol good luck, so your study already began? You´re a fast, good one Rob, :clap: @the_termin8r1 !

It’s not the college that runs the system though. It’s some company, the college just use the service. Everyone complains about it but nothing is ever done (the story of living in England lol).

disgruntled fellow [working mates female] who always want to determine everything / check and crap and I can pull the cart out of the mud …

Same. :rolling_eyes:

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When you google the definition of a word only for it to give you a definition that is basically a different form of the word you looked up or when the definition includes another word you don’t understand so then you have to back track multiple words to get to what you initially wanted.


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Oh wow! I didn’t even know blasphemy meant talking bad about God specifically :stuck_out_tongue:

It said either about religion or in general

Yeah, that’s annoying.

Today my sibling was sent home after drastic surgery. There is still a bottle of blood attached to their body, a drain. There was a time when they were not allowed to send a patient home when the patient was still losing blood. But today my sibling was sent home, with a bottle of blood still dripping from them…

Health insurance is very expensive, but you get crap in return for it these days.

That’s what grinds my gears…

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no morehealthcare .how week…how is ya sibling? wish ya´ll/her the best :green_heart::kissing:

Oh Gosh, that’s awful! I hope she’s fine