Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Relatively mundane

Q: Any plans for the weekend?

A: Just family stuff. Visiting my sibling tomorrow again and then Sunday I meet up with dad and granny and then after that church time with more family.

Q: What ticks you off in a person?

When they eat loudly

Q: Do you prefer to construct or deconstruct things?

A: Both can be a fulfilling process at times :smile:

Q How do you prefer your egg?

As far away from me as possible

A food you hate?

OT: Just got 1111 posts in this topic.

Ginger (I still remembered several years ago I was made to try a ginger cookie - till today I still don’t get those who try ginger whatever [those stupid Enid Blyton books from decades ago])

Q: @the_termin8r1 Is it incorrect to refer to one particular person as ‘they’? (It seems very strange that @Gatsie refers to her sibling using the words ‘their’ and ‘them’ :laughing: [this was not how I learnt])

You can use ‘they’ or ‘them’ or anything along those lines when you don’t want to directly mention their name for whatever reason. Or if you don’t know the name of the person you’re talking about. or if you’re talking about gender so that you don’t have to keep saying ‘he or she’.

If you talk in front of somebody and refer to them as ‘them’ then it is a tad impolite. Take @The_early_walker for example, you flip out every time one of us calls you ‘she’ or ‘her’ instead of using your name.

Q: Warm bed of cold bed?

A: Cold bed. (My body would warm it up - unless of course it’s temperature-controlled by something to keep it cold :stuck_out_tongue: )

(lol srsly who on earth refers to their sibling as ‘they’, even though they clearly know their sibling’s gender? :laughing:)
(And as for @The_early_walker’s case, it has got to be remembered that there are obviously more than 2 people in the forums, so when I’m directing my writing to somebody else, at least one person has to be the third-party :stuck_out_tongue: )

Q: Does seafood only go well with other seafood? There’s a frozen crab in the freezer, what does it go well with?

I don’t know. If the crab is already boiled then you can just thaw it and eat it as it is.

Q: Last item you bought and got ripped off on?

A/Q: Well, I didn’t really evaluate properly what I was buying, sort of like my fault, so does it still count?


Q: Most interesting thread on the forum ATM?

A: Nothing, even watching the threads compete, too far apart they are.

Q: What are you thinking right now?

A: I’m wondering if I should just skip Kingsday tomorrow [The birthday party of the Dutch king which is celebrated nationwide].

Q: Is there an upcoming event you totally want to skip?

BTW @samuel_the_leader;
I understand you read my blog and that you are curious about why I refer to my sibling the way I do in there. There is actually a short blog entry I wrote about what my sibling is going through and why the surgery was needed. I think I’ve also mentioned about it in some thread here on the LPU forums but I guess there are so many topic threads here on the forums that I understand you might have missed that…

Actually, I rarely visit your blog :stuck_out_tongue:

ok that’s nice to know.

Ok, time for a new question since it has been almost a week…

In the ice cream cone

Q: Were you a problem child when you were young?

A: That was my favorite movie as a child growing up!

I wasn’t as bad as the boy in the movie though. When I was 8 I had a book report and read a part of my favorite book that vividly described a boy murdering his mother with a butterknife. There were children crying in the classroom. I was 11 when I brought along a goat heart to school for Show And Tell. While playing tag I would kick the other kids in the groin. I would throw ketchup bottles off the third floor. I skipped school as a teenager a lot, forged my mom’s signature and wrote “sick notes”… Yeah… I was an angel, though.

Q What do you absolutely refuse to compromise in life?

Fun and freedom

Q: The opposite of the prev Q

A: I sometimes design stuff for people and learn each time again that even though I think something is ugly, if the person says they want it to look that way I jut have to compromise.
