Can you touch your shoulders?

A: That was my favorite movie as a child growing up!

I wasn’t as bad as the boy in the movie though. When I was 8 I had a book report and read a part of my favorite book that vividly described a boy murdering his mother with a butterknife. There were children crying in the classroom. I was 11 when I brought along a goat heart to school for Show And Tell. While playing tag I would kick the other kids in the groin. I would throw ketchup bottles off the third floor. I skipped school as a teenager a lot, forged my mom’s signature and wrote “sick notes”… Yeah… I was an angel, though.

Q What do you absolutely refuse to compromise in life?

Fun and freedom

Q: The opposite of the prev Q

A: I sometimes design stuff for people and learn each time again that even though I think something is ugly, if the person says they want it to look that way I jut have to compromise.


A/Q: The armrest of my chair?

Nice, ever heard of a dragon hoarding cookies? :smiley:

A: So we have an armrest dragon and a cookie dragon then? Hilarious! According to this I am apparently a breath mint dragon :stuck_out_tongue:


A: Sweet! According to urban dictionary I’m “The most sexy girl you will ever meet, known to blow the minds of many men. Extremely talented and beautiful, eyes cut from stars.” Sure :smiley:

Q: Who is your favorite band/musician (beside LP of course)?

@Gatsie UD says:

The most incredible guy in the universe, end of story. He’s sweet, caring, and truly amazing. He isn’t concerned with himself at all, but instead he’s concerned with other people. He always knows the perfect thing to say and the right time to say it. He takes your breath away and leaves you speechless. And he has a way of making your heart melt like no one else ever will. Robert is so wonderful, it’s almost impossible to find the words to match.
Which is total horse crap in my case.

Apart from the part about leaving people speechless (except I do it in a bad sense :stuck_out_tongue: )

Red and Blindspott/Blacklistt

Q: A band you really got into recently?

A: I Prevail

Q: A band you absolutely hate

A: I absolutely hate Family of the year

Q: What song do you have in your mind right now?

A: Scar tissue Red Hot Chilipepers


@Mayefis & @the_termin8r Is it me or is some weird fan fiction writer making these up at UD?

According to them, my name :

  1. You should enlist her for help, as she bears good fortune and even magical powers. Hence, from this name, we do get “genie”, who bears much greater magical abilities, but who must obey her finder’s wishes when captured and put into a shiny lantern or cute little bottle. On the other hand, she will laugh in your face if you try to constrain or imprison her, and she will then turn you into a tiny, lizard-like dust mite!

  2. Anyone who meets her should immediately kiss her hand, unless they have a communicable disease or eat raw meat, in which case, they should instead offer her a handmade craft, presented with genuine eye-twinkling.

A/Q: What UD?

A: Urban Dictionary.

Q: My last question remains…

It would appear so lol

Ratchet and Clank (they count as one) - An adorable fox/cat-like alien with an arsenal so big and deadly that it makes the Predator look like a girl scout

Alcatraz/Prophet - A marine in a super suit with extreme capabilities such as being able to kick a car 30m away, being able to survive and nuke and cloaking, and other enhanced human abilities.

Me - An unkillable killing machine

I’m more than ok

Q: Are you a curious person?

I am a girl, a white witch and a sister :smiley:

A: No, not really, curiosity kills the cat.

Q: How much injustice have you suffered lately?

A: Nothing really painful. I’ve been lucky.
Q: If you could change something in your life what would you change?

A: I would change into a unicorn, because they are nifty

Q: What are your plans for this weekend?

Maybe I’m going to the Eurovision Song Contest live Sream in Hamburg, because Royal Republic are playing there. And in germany we have a long weekend, cause Monday is a holiday and I’m planing to go to a theme park :slight_smile:

What was the first song you’ve ever heard from Lp?


Which one? @annawe