What grinds your gears?

People on pavements… don’t even get me started on that. -.-

The way I see it is that people drive the way they walk. My dad road rages at stupid drivers 24/7 and I can see the walking equivalent of what he rages at on the pavements.

why don´t the great industry engeneers do not create a useable one? Odd, but, I get to really grinded gears if I realize sb cheats me, not in love-issues, dunnow another word, laughing in ya face ppl, while backwards they throwing a knife into ya neck, +++++++++

A useable what?

case for cd´s

I think you mean unbreakable. They’re all usable.

usable yes, but not fitting environmental and don´t stand norm. handling, so mb in english this word is better [unbreakeble] but, for me it is only then usable [any product] if it is fitting stable and do, for a long time, what it is supposed to be used for…lol, but, I hope oneday, we´ll have a common language, cause it is [for me really] hard often to expl. what I mean/be missunderstood or missunderstandings , but that is normal fact in an international forum as we are here @least

When you’re building something from Lego out of your own imagination and it’s going well until you run out of the very piece you need towards the end of the build or at any other point for that matter.

hahaa, been there done that :smiley:

Looking for two small Lego pieces in 24 litres of the stuff.

When you want to build something out of Lego from your imagination and the piece you need does not exist.

whats with you and Lego?

I’m trying to find a substitute for gaming. Besides, I love building stuff. Lego is the best toy ever.

On the topic of gaming I had fun pissing off a Russian this evening (by beating him lol). He sent me two messages both in Cyrillic (which I can read) but they were in Russian though I got the jist of both of them. It was basically hate mail.

Now that I’ve translated them one of them said ‘ladyboy’ and the other said ‘go to dick’. I thought Russian gamers typed nonsense when trying to speak English but now it seems the idiot couldn’t even type in his own language :laughing:

Not quite that. It’s just translation difficulties. There’s no matching pair in English. Russian language is rich in profanity. Sometimes you can hear a sentance of 7 words, where there only two of them are adequate (those are “on” and “mother”). And it’s hard to even get the point of it.

That one about dick is usually translated as “f*#k you”.

now you get the other side of winning which names “hated by the loosers” take it as an “respectfull honor” the worser the words are, the higher the respect lol :anger_right:
[why are the much likes yesterday Rob? At least hunting badges? gonna have a look how much you have, collector guy, let us both play the game “who earns the next one?” ]
BTW wattayathinkabthechanging? :upside_down:

russians dont curse, its a normal language to them ;D so you are on lego therapy. if it works you can make money with it. Legotherapist.

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lol @Spelling_Mistake :hugging:

Seriously, Russians and Brazilians. You can never properly communicate with them. I feel you!

I assumed so. I’m Bulgarian so I can read it but I don’t understand Russian. Though it was obvious that it was hate mail lol

Surprisingly in the game I play, the low end players are good sports, the mid range players (like me) are the most unstable some of us are dicks others are decent and the high end addicts are like snakes. They seem cool on the surface but look into their stats and the way they play and you see that they’re idiots.

Yes I was

Don’t bother with the like limit ones, your like limit is 100 per day.

Kinda, except the stuff costs a bloody fortune. A single gear with about 16 teeth costs a whopping 25 pence. I found out that my parents paid £80 for that car (I really don’t know why they bought me such an expensive set).

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The shitty anti plagiarism software that my college uses. Basically you upload your work to it and it checks if you’ve copied other people or websites then it gives you a percentage. If I get 25% or above I have to modify my work until it drops below. But the program is so dodgy that it usually highlights key words or stand alone words like ‘the’ or ‘a’. Personally it always says that I plagiarized my own name. I uploaded a 4 page assignment today and it gave me 7% for nothing but my name and the unit title and number.