What grinds your gears?

Time for me to add to the list:

Security stickers on CD cases like these (they come off in a million pieces and stick to everything):

And when a CD case is too big to fit in your rack :confused: (excuse the bad pic) :

Yes, this!

Also, when you accidentally scratch the cd with the knife while trying to rip that security sticker.

(yay for OM&M :smiley: )

I’ve never done that.

I also hate it when a cd doesn’t come in a jewel case. I got the end is where we begin from tfk and it came in a folding paper case like the rising tied only smaller.

How do you manage not to scratch them?

Jewel cases I prefer as well but I’m ok with how thick the bottom 2 are compared to LPU8

(Also, didn’t know TRT didn’t come in a jewel case)

When I take the annoying sticker strip thing off or the see through packaging?

Both actually. (These scratches are the worst I have and I didn’t even make them)

If you want to take the wrapper off without scratching the case make an incision where there is a gap between the case ‘door’ and the spine of the box when looking at the front. Then just place your fingers at the cut and pull away from the spine towards the other end of the ‘door’.

For the sticker, just place the tip of the blade under the sticker and push it along the case to the other end of the case. If you’re lucky the sticker will come off in 2-3 pieces.

(I’ve already taken the main part off)

This is the size range of my non jewel cases

My most interesting one is my POS Never better case

Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind next time for sure!

Ah, I don’t count cds like that of OM&M as non jewel cased (werid I know) but they’re thick enough so… like Meteora or RTR or ATS.

What I hate the most are the so called jewel cases like the We Major Mixtape.

Wait, you got a paper case Meteora?

Ah, the slim jewel case. I hate those too.

The special edition Meteora that comes with the DVDs

(blue cover is the paper case)

We are so killing this thread right now btw :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll add to the fire…

I also hate it when cd cases come cracked or when the stupid glue from the stupid security sticker remains on the case.

That’s my worst nightmare. LPU sent me a cracked (or it cracked on the way here) X cd. I was so pissed.

I just found out the my Black Light Burns CD is a clean version :confused: It’s really annoying when a clean version is the only one on sale and it doesn’t say that it’s clean. The same thing happened to me with ATS.

So guys, my grinds gets geared, everytime, and it happend to nearly All my jewel cases I let them fall to the bottom, regulary, and the case breakes intwo, sometimes so, that you can glue it, stm not, [ “jewel cases” me learning new word, lol :smirk:] that is sooo anoying myself ab me…:ghost:

Jewel cases are fragile cases, nothing ‘jewel’ about them.

thanx for expl, buddie @samuel_the_leader

I also hate when the part inside that is holding the cd (from the center) is broken, and the cd keeps sliding off

same here, it always happends

That’s annoying too.

I hate it when you’re walking down a pavement and there is a person coming the other way and you move over to make some space but they don’t and take the entire pavement even though they had space to move too. This happened to me 6 times on my 20min 1 mile walk to college this morning :angry: