What grinds your gears?

Prices. Seriously

I think i’d have to sell a kidney. Not trying to sell my hepar though - i think my… ahem… time-spending might’ve hit it

Next week i’ve got to buy bday gifts BOTH for my gf and my elder sister…

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StudFiles.net does not work in Russia for some damn reasons. Blocked?? But that’s the biggest students’ file archive, i take test answers from there. And once i activate VPN it works…

More technological problems, ever have a printer print gibberish like this? (Was trying to print a PDF file)



That’s usually a test print I think, but don’t quote me on it.

Why will a test print like this? (I wasn’t testing)

How should I know? I’ve just seen test prints span multiple pages before, but like I said before, don’t quote me on it.

Looks like a fatal error… has it worked after that?

Supposedly today I had a day off, I took advantage and I went out to watch The Joker, when I came back (like 10 minutes ago) I read a message from Fernada (a co-worker) telling me that I had to go to work, my boss was waiting for me.

I’m so fucking angry with her right now because I trusted in her word. I called my boss to apologize with her for my mistake. Good thing she understood and if we have time we will talk about this tomorrow when I am there.

But I can’t trust her (Fernanda) now. Damnit! How the fuck can she “supposes” things instead just say “I’m not sure, better try to call the boss”? F*ck! her apologies won’t fix anything :angry:

Remind me, guys, never trust in her. Please.

Fernanda is very trustworthy! Fer…Fran…both start with f :nerd_face:

Ok… I’m sorry about that dude :confused:
You needed a day off in her defense
By mistake or whatever but it was good for you so no need to be mad about it now :blush:

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Now everything has sense!

Never trust in someone whose name starts with F :joy:

ok, now being serious, I’m better now. I just needed to eat unicorns something.


What did the unicorns ever do to you? :confused:

I realized something today bro

All hell would break loose if we both had the time to be on here prolonged amounts of time :rofl:

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being delicious? What else? :upside_down_face:

Jajaja I’ll be free in November, more time to create our Gotham jajajaja Will you be able to beat me, batsie?

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Is that reference to the movie?! :star_struck:

I’m determined to go tomorrow :triumph:

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Go to watch it now, move your lazy assto the most close cinema and find it out :triumph:

¿En serio quieres qué responda eso?


:point_up_2: this


Ja ja ja ja


:scream::scream::scream: @lpfan61
(sorry i had to do this!!)

Sending you strength for the next days :muscle::hugs::purple_heart:


That’s crazy @IronSoldier16. So sorry to hear about that. I hope things have settled down since

@the_termin8r I remember you talking about the health and safety. It’s funny how sometimes institutions focus on silly things and not the bigger picture

Health and safety is my number one source of misery. I despise it more than Apple and W10 combined.

All this gets crazier and crazier.
@justinkilmer mentioned that they even wanted to take away the coffee maker and the mugs at his workplace.:flushed:

It’s bloody ridiculous. In uni we have these things called risk assessments that you have to fill out based on what you’re doing. It’s basically a form stating everything you’re doing and what can go wrong, then you sign your soul away on it. Here’s part of the one for my dissertation last year.


That was only an extract of a single risk assessment for a single one-person project. For the society this year we have to have one of these for every project, every room, every process, everything we use and everyone has to sign each one in three places. To give you an idea of how ridiculous it is, there’s ones for hand tools, power tools, adhesives, soldering and other specific items and processes and you have to sign ALL of them.

Then there’s all the bullshit training you have to do in order to be able to ‘induct’ others.