HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Oef damn. :no_mouth: Good luck :muscle: hope the pain is gone soon :relaxed:

Going to watch the joker. Later.


Have fun.
Aaa, wrong choice of words.
Enjoy this movie :thinking:
It’s great! :blush:


It is! I loved it. I would to say more things, but I’d do some spoilers :joy:


Good morning :sunny::kissing_closed_eyes: wonderful bunch of the lpu :tada::sunny: I slept from 8:30pm yesterday :joy:… I guess I just needed it :sweat_smile:… another day of grind ahead like the most of us have- so let’s always be aware we’re not alone in all that daily requirements, routines and duties…

@IronSoldier16 :hugs::hugs:however you got that day off- you got it and had a good time- and you definitely needed it… Thanx Fernanda for the misunderstanding… :wink:

@alz89 hope you’re better? :hugs::yellow_heart:

@justinkilmer :blush: always here for that :muscle:t2::hugs:

Ot: about to shower :shower:

I’m late, but nevertheless have a good nights rest and some nice dreams Andy @LP13413 :sleeping:


Good morning :sunny:
Sleeping time over the pond :sleeping::crazy_face:
@Honey8 already to noon, love you :heart::weight_lifting_woman::heart:

Where to start, scroll, scroll

Better not commenting your mug :kissing_heart: :joy::hugs:

Otherwise you just don’t listen to anything :triumph:

Big hug for @anngelenee :hugs::heart: I need some new ones, mine got stolen :roll_eyes:

Thanks :blush: :hugs::heart:
One question to your job interest. Is it something like neighbourhood watch? Someone who lecture you, if you drive your bike on the sidewalk, or let your dog walk without a leash? :grimacing::upside_down_face:

Good luck! :crossed_fingers:

Thank you for that :star_struck: You look happy :heart_eyes:

Wow! Enjoy :partying_face:
Never was to Köln :see_no_evil:
I’m actually just a 2 hours ride away, so if you want to see some boring sheep :laughing: feel free :hugs:

Miss you here! Strength to you! :hugs::green_heart:

Oh, that’s great :blush:

Hope it went ok :anguished:

Hope you are better today!! :hugs::yellow_heart:

Yeah!!! So good! :blush: big hug for you! :hugs::purple_heart:

And one for @anomalia dear sister :hugs::heart:

@chigokurosaki just hope it’s soon! :hugs::purple_heart:

@callmeanne how are you? Strength to you! :muscle: :orange_heart:

So in for this!! :partying_face:
@IronSoldier16 say thank you to Fernanda from me. :sunglasses:

Really had fun here last night :blush:
Otherwise work
Yesterday, it is just a lot of rain



I’m going to bed.

I made it to my dentist appointment on time today, but they kept me in the waiting room for 45 minutes before they finally called me in. Needless to say, I was a little late for work, but on the bright side, no cavities!


Heard a quote today in a speech

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever has.”

Short and simple… yeah things can seem out of our league but turning our backs, giving up, thinking we aren’t up to the challenge will tear down hopes and wishes even before we’ve had the chance to actually fail

Just remember to be positive in all you do, and to give yourself a fighting chance at everything :slightly_smiling_face:
Kinda stuck with me today haha
Good morning Europe :slightly_smiling_face: have a great day there
Goodnight from the dark side :milky_way:


We’ll see it today later, for now I don’t want to talk with her :roll_eyes: I’m more complicated than two just married idiots discussing for a soup :joy:

On Topic: Going to sleep. Goodnight.


@IronSoldier16 I was kidding :kissing_heart:
Good night! Sleep tight! Sweet dreams :hugs::heart:



Drinking hot water with special essential oil for my sore throat. There is so much fog outside, i can’t see anything by the window. Feel like in heaven. :joy:

Good night / Good day all :hugs::purple_heart:


:hugs: @anna834

Good moring :slight_smile:

:coffee: and shower


@anna834 thank you for love! :blush::hugs:

I just came here to check all creative threads today , shortage of time so I’ll get quick to them … Been so long i caught up with everyone’s projects here

Much love for everyone! Please take care… I’ll be just a tag away! :heart:


Eating lunch, watching Monster House, starting he process of getting ready for work.


Hi all!

Been a busy day but needed to drop by!! Sorry for the absence lately! Gonna have to get myself back on track :sweat_smile:

Thank you! Miss posting and seeing all your stuff as well! Very glad to have a nice little LP family :hugs: :hugs:

Not much has been going on in my area of the world haha, it’s been very windy the last few days so I’m afraid my halloween decorations are going to fly away :joy: :joy:
For the most part I have been doodling in my sketchbook when I can. I want/NEED to get back into my art so I am forcing myself to draw little things here each day.

Stay dry! Looks like you could go canoeing in there :joy:

That is an awesome quote! Like you said short and simple… but effective.
Hope all is well @framos1792! :bat:

OT: about lunch time here so I’m gonna pry my eyes away from my computer and go get some food :joy: :joy: Might have to have a good ol’ cup o’ coffee this afternoon :nerd_face: :coffee:

Hope you all have a great day soldiers!


Spent the day with friends. Went out to lunch (had Indian and it was really really good), then went by my workplace, did some studying there and then we all went out for drinks to the pub nearby. Overall a great day!
Back to uni tomorrow, hopefully a quiet week.


Good morning you all! :sunny:
Sleep tight over the sea! :full_moon_with_face:
@Honey8 :heart:great seeing you on a love spray! :revolving_hearts:

Yeah! Do that! :triumph: We need you! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Take care of yourself! :pleading_face: Love and hugs to you :hugs::yellow_heart:

To the Anna @anomalia :heart: @anngelenee :heart: @lpaniist :heart: be here more :kissing_heart: hugs for you :hugs::heart_eyes:

@gabridc98 :black_heart::point_right::point_left::black_heart:

@drounzer where are you? :flushed::kissing_heart:
Look what I have here on the farm
We match :blush: take a hug :hugs::purple_heart:

@chigokurosaki find your way back asap! :hugs::brown_heart:

@lpfan61 :heart::hugs::rose::hugs::sunflower::hugs::wilted_flower::hugs::blossom: :hugs::hibiscus::hugs::heart:

@AJ_7 a smile and some hugs :hugs::heart_decoration:

@theearlywalker :hugs::heart: Humpday!

Don’t you ever forget it! :black_heart::bat::black_heart:

Found this and translated it, for you all:

Not your back hurts, but the weight.
Not your eyes pain, but the injustice.
Not your head aches, but your thoughts.
Not your throat, but what you don’t phrase or just in rage.
Not your stomach crumbles, but what your soul doesn’t digest.
Not the liver hurts, but the anger.
Not your heart aches, but the love.
And love itself is the mightiest healer.

By Ada Luz Marquez

Love to you all!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I will join the mug connection in the next few days - I really like all of your pictures :sweat_smile::laughing:

Hope all of you doing well - Got a tough uni week, but I can smell the weekend :heart_eyes:


Morning all!

Happy Humday! :camel::camel: (Whoop Whoop!)
Hope all is well today!

Haha alright I’ll make sure to :smile: :+1:

Love the Frozen cup! I suppose it’s translated differently though huh :thinking:

Yes do it! :joy:
I still need to put my favorite mugs on here :joy: maybe i’ll have to make an emergency coffee tonight just so I can use one :joy:

OT: Normal day for me, coffee, rock music, and work.

Hope everyone has a great day/night!


Seems that The Frozen in Germany is known under the title of Die Eiskoenigin (the Ice Queen). And in Poland - Kraina lodu (the Ice Land or the Land of Ice - not to be confused with the country :wink:)