What grinds your gears?

But it must be quite fun to imagine all this stuff and write it down

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It makes everything sound like a deathtrap. The TL;DR of the above is: Everything can explode, it can run into you at 70MPH. The end.

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It was. Thanks, I just don’t talk with her, I’m not mad at her, just don’t want to tell her anything jaja

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So, we have like these group projects at uni that are not really group projects (cause we’re graded individually) but every time we have a meeting or whatever someone happens to be sick or late or whatever other excuse you can think of. It is just me or does it happen to you as well?

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Welcome to group projects! :joy:

They try to find any excuse possible for anything they can. Good Luck with the group work. It sucks, but I’m glad that you are graded individually. Makes it the slightest bit easier



Rule 1 of group projects: Do all the work yourself.


Why couldn’t you have been on my courses and in my group? At least then I wouldn’t have to do all the work myself

EDIT: Meant to reply your comment @the_termin8r, but somehow it didn’t

Because your projects revolve around digging through textbooks. :joy:

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What is that supposed to mean?:unamused::unamused:

Just kidding :joy::joy:

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I don’t do textbooks. I’ve managed to avoid them for most of my life.

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Guess what guys! They put us in yet another group today!! It’s so damn complicated!


Oh that’s nothing, I’m having different groups for each week until January :joy:

Y’all understand me now


This is also a reason to stay single :wink:

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:exploding_head::thinking: fml lol

Believe it or not I’m reaching that conclusion little by little haha

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I have it good this year. Only 1 group project and I think it’s next term.

State election in Thüringen
23,6 % for the right wing populists :confounded:

More news of Health and Safety woes in uni. I sat down yesterday to sign all of the risk assessment forms for the society in one go. There was 13 forms, each with 5 fields to fill in, that’s 65 fields. More to the point, there’s two more project risk assessments that haven’t been printed yet, so it’ll go to 75 fields.

Oh and there was a form I had to sign to say that I’m not a child molester or some shit like that. For some reason the retards at uni have it in their heads that the biggest threat to our existence is a kid under the age of 18, because apparently every 4 year old is a trained assassin.

I should sue the uni for personal injury, I got RSI from signing all those forms yesterday. Moral of the story: H&S is iroinically very dangerous and causes physical pain and mental trauma.


I’m not going to get into details but freaking hell, the last 2 days have been ridiculous. I want this weekend to be over!