What grinds your gears?

Have a relaxing evening :hugs::sunflower::coffee:

We had our major presentations at uni today (that we are not getting graded for) and holy sh*t! Like some people didn’t extremely well, others did ok and one group was apparently out of subject. But the lecturers were so damn hard on them, like they cut them off, starting telling them how wrong they were and were very judgemental. 2 people actually cried. And they did this in front of the whole class!! It was so harsh and unfair, everyone felt sorry for them.

That’s a good thing. In my course we have a lecturer who rips your presentations to shreds and then tells you exactly where you went wrong and how to fix it. Initially people are scared, but we end up seeking her out because if your presentation or report or whatever else has survived her treatment, it’s essentially bulletproof.

Getting ripped to shreds isn’t that bad, it’s hard to get used to, but when you have it happen a few times, you start to see that it’s for your own good.

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Not like that, it was completely unprofessional. They could have it done during the break or via a meeting. They had no right to humiliate them in front of the entire class and make them cry. It wasn’t cool.


I was out with my stepmom yesterday and she asked if I had decided what I want to do for my birthday. I told her that I don’t want to do anything. She chewed me out saying that something must be wrong, that it’s strange, and I’m always like this when I drink on my meds. I explained that I’m an not depressed, angry, or upset with anyone, I just couldn’t decide where I wanted to go to eat and thought it would be easier not to do anything. Then she mentions that my doesn’t like doing anything for his birthday and she doesn’t understand that either. Then a few seconds later she changes the subject and gets all nicey nice.

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It’s fine dear all she wanted is you to be lil happy and celebrate the day :hugs: she changed the topic eventually as she didn’t wantrd to bother you anymore. Not let it be calm down :hugs: and i hope you enjoyed rest of the day. :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball: :birthday:
Here a big hug for you




Whoaaaa what happened? :exploding_head::confounded:
You’re still going though? Other accommodations? :confused:

Unfortunately no- I’ve to cancel the whole thing- my daughter has a broken feet- can’t take her to a show… and unfortunately there would be no alternative… :expressionless:

That really sucks… I hope you’ll find a way to reschedule the trip. And wishing your daughter a speedy recovery!

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Thanx Rick :blush:

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I am really sorry to hear that dear and I am sending your daughter strength and I wish a fast and speedy recovery, and I hope you will get reschedule the trip

I’m really sorry to hear about your daughter first of all :persevere:

I wish her a quick recovery and full health afterwards :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re doing the sweet and caring thing by staying back :hugs::yellow_heart:
I know it sucks really bad missing out on a show you’re itching to go to but the opportunity will come back around for you :relaxed:
As it is, I hope you can work things out to get a return on all you put into the trip so you can use it to stay home for just as awesome a time with your daughter as if y’all had gone :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just this :point_up_2:
Speach done :laughing:

Really not literally bonecrushing hug for you @theearlywalker :green_heart::hugs::green_heart::hugs::green_heart:

My work is copyrighted :triumph:
Plagiarism I say

I’m in the process of speaking to my lawyer @IronSoldier16 lol

Ot: people who PLAIGARIZE grind my gears :roll_eyes:


Sue me

It’s the highest compliment you can get, you dork!
I didn’t claim it as my words :triumph:

OT: Francisco grind my gears

Thank you @anomalia :hugs::green_heart:


Yeah! :partying_face:

@IronSoldier16 can pack up his things :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


He’s useless

As for the little r, it’s in heat reactive ink :nerd_face:

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I think you mean circled C.