What grinds your gears?

Nah I use the little r for ramos

Little r my ass!
I put a whole framos on it :triumph:

Oh @theearlywalker I am so so sorry. Sometimes things just don’t work out and it absolutely sucks. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery and I hope something better than the concert happens for you both. Sending strength

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I’m currently sitting in a lecture in a room that’s so hot, that the projector overheated and died.

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Try checking the printer drivers and/or your pdf reader which sends the task to the printer. I’d also try to check the printer task manager for errors

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What grinds your gears?

Getting this out there,
all wrapped up in thorns and no gloves


Did you solve this problem with a shotgun as well? :joy:


How will you solve this with a shotgun? :flushed:
I still would have to get the body out. :roll_eyes:

No, I crawled in there too, tried to pull the sleeves over my hands to not get all scratched by the bloody thorns. And pulled and pressed. The f*** bugger first fought against me, then pretended to be dead and even more heavy.
As I finally got it out, it run in the other direction, away from the already newly fenced flock.
I gave up, it’s still out there, and I just hope it find his way back tonight :triumph:
Maybe I do need a shotgun?

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Shoot it so you don’t have to get it out. Job done. :joy:

Like I said, why didn’t you just shoot it?

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It’s winter pasture.
Farmland of neighbours, we graze for free.
Leaving dead sheep behind, not a smart move.

OT all the fencing in the rain

Tell them it’s free compost for the future. :joy:

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I’ve actually heard about this.
That it is ok in the UK to let the cadavers lying around for feeding the wild animals? :thinking:
Here it is a total no go.
It could poison the water, the whole environment.:exploding_head:
You neat to get it taken by the skinner, fill out forms with the ear tack number and, and, and :roll_eyes:
You remove it fast, cause some people could see a dead sheep and always imagine you have neglected it, tortured it to death. :angry:
As if!
Sheep have their own motto:


I have no idea about that. I was just making a joke.

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I’m also not sure about this. Can’t think, that this would be ok with EU law.
Totally worth the brexit!

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One train got stuck this morning, causing massive delays, causing me to miss my presentation.Thankfully the teacher understood the situation, otherwise I’d have to do a resit

Self assessment assignments are the death of me.

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Red won’t stop spamming me with BF emails. :expressionless:


@rickvanmeijel that is awful! I’m glad your teacher is understanding. I hope you had a better day today.

@evooba Good Luck!

@the_termin8r I use twitter for these things. It makes it easier to follow bands without getting spammed!

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I refuse to use Twatter. I’m waiting for uni to finish so I can purge my FB and Slack accounts and never touch the 2 outlook accounts again. lol


Thank you :blush: It was a bit stressful at first but everything’s alright now