What grinds your gears?

Being kept awake by the sound of my dripping ceiling. :expressionless:

Hopefully it stops soon so you can sleep @the_termin8r

Didn’t you make like a drip catcher last year? Lol

I did, but my mum took it down when the landlord came to see it. Now I have another one. They’re actually in the process of replacing the entire house roof.

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The health and safety zealots’ stupidity is getting out of hand at uni, you now have to sign a form for pretty much everything you do. A friend who used to run the target shooting club said that you have to sign fewer health and safety forms to hand a complete noob a loaded air rifle, than you do to give a glue stick to an engineering student with 3 years of experience (quite legitimately, I’m not exaggerating)…let that sink in for a moment.

Health and safety can get fucked.


Found out last night (8 pm my time) that my step mom has been in the hospital since early yesterday morning. My dad asked me of my sister in law had said anything to me (but shocker, she didn’t) and I said no. So that answers why I saw my brother ask for prayers on Facebook. Why am I always the last one to know this shit? FFS.

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Get a hug -:hugs::hugs::hugs: it’s really incredible - I would ask them what they think doing such things- ( or if they think at all?! :upside_down_face:)

I’m so pissed off. Yet another day we are clearly home when the mail comes and they don’t freaking ring the bell and leave “you weren’t in” notes. It’s getting ridiculous lately.

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Problems with laptop continues. So late last week got back my laptop with a new CPU since the old CPU was burnt, it then had new problems with no sound and the brightness unadjustable, sent it back after the weekend and got it back on Thursday with both problems fixed, but then yesterday night I realised the battery couldn’t charge even though plugged in (although the battery definitely drains much more slowly), tried leaving it to charge overnight while off but it doesn’t work. So yup ugh :persevere: next week I have to send it back again.

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Hope you get it fixed asap :confused:

What laptop and how old? I’ve never heard of CPU replacements on a modern laptop, most times they just swap out the mobo as it’s a more reliable fix than re-flowing a new CPU.

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TBH not sure if they changed the whole motherboard or just the CPU :monkey::monkey::monkey:, you’re probably right that’s why Pat was wondering why the repair was kinda expensive that day :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I’m more concerned as to why the laptop didn’t thermal out and went straight to popcorning the CPU instead.

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What? Popcorn in a laptop? :joy:

No, when the CPU explodes like popcorn.

Like this (two birds with one stone in this vid, bashing apple and showing what I mean LMAO).


:joy::joy: omg :scream:

Like I keep saying, Apple are full of shit.


I start to believe a bit of it…

Well, if you watch a lot of Louis’ videos, you’ll start to believe a lot more of it. He’s a macbook repair technician who loathes apple even more than I.

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I guess I’m not ready for the bitter truth :fearful::exploding_head: