What grinds your gears?

Yeah :muscle:

Ohhh c’mon! :muscle: :muscle:

You should name the list ‘‘Reasons to be miserable’’ :joy:

Seriously I feel for you, especially for the bad wifi


I prefer something along the lines of “Chronicles Of Misery: Life In The Torture Chamber” LMAO :joy:


would be a good song title

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Whahaha going all dramatic style are you? :joy: What about ‘‘Fifty Shades Of Misery’’?

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I could write a book or turn it into a reality show and get loaded. Then I can move out of the torture chamber. :joy:

You could create an entire cinematic universe with that list


I hope things get better for you @the_termin8r!

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Can’t wait for winter to come around again.


Oh damn this is horrible! Stay strong buddy!

Mine is always torture :joy::joy:

Yea :thinking: he’s got good reasons too. Nice idea :joy::joy:

Will soon. Have patience. Stay strong buddy! :hugs::hugs:


not sure if I’ve said this, but here I go again (possibly).
My brother, Tim, and his family moved to Oklahoma 2 years ago. Sometime after that they got a puppy. This time last year, they got another puppy. Around 4th of July last year they got another puppy. I went down to Oklahoma back in December with my stepmom and my other brother’s family…my sister in law, Kara, (tim’s wife) tells us that they are getting rid of the puppies after Christmas because of behavior issues. Oh. Well you don’t play with them…and they are either outside all day or in their kennels all night and you obviously didn’t do any sort of training with them. So fast forward to February and they got rid of them. And NOW…about 2 weeks ago, THEY GOT ANOTHER PUPPY. Kara posted it on her instagram. I wanted to so badly to comment, “how long is this one going to last?” animals aren’t play things. they’ve had so many dogs. this furiates me so much :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:

if you can’t take care of one don’t buy one

i am sorry you have to go though this
sending sterght and love


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Erf, that’s bad. Maybe you can post a picture with advices like “How taking care of your puppy?”, without mentioning their name/instagram account but just in case, maybe they’ll see it and think about it.

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This… :worried:

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I couldn’t agree more

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What grinds my gear is that I’m having problems with the Internet due to workers on the streets these days that BROKE wires and stuff… :rage: :triumph: :sob: Yesterday I had to go out from my zone to reach a minimun line, but I had to came back home obviously… :weary: now seems it all works again… :roll_eyes:

What or rather who grinds my gears… people who find a way to blame my depression for their faults. I do get that it might be hard to be around someone with depression. I know that I am very often concentrated on myself only and I don’t pay attention to people around me. But when I’m on my good day I do pay attention to others. Unfortunately instead of honest talk they are finding one moment of weakness to leave my life and then they dare to blame it on me and my depression. If you are my real friend you will not disappear at every little moment. You will not cut me out of your life and then ignore me when seeing me on the streets or somewhere. And talk about me behind my back. Another annoying thing. Especially spreading lies.
So that grinds my gears right now the most. And my boss. But that’s the usual thing.

That’s true… bot to buy one if caring is not possible… it’s our responsibility if we get them home .

@rorybourdon that’s true. True friends stay by you side. Hope things go fine soon.

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Today, I was literally left in the sh*t at work in the morning because 2 people were half an hour late and it was C-H-A-O-S! The worst thing is, when I asked why or why they didn’t call to let me know, they just shrugged and said they didn’t think it was important. Like WTH!?

When you’re working on a project and you’ve got a rhythm going and you’re lost in what you’re doing, enjoying yourself, and someone comes in and interrupts your whole evening unnecessarily :expressionless: