What grinds your gears?

It really gets me very upset when someone talks bad about Chester. They don’t understand how much a hero to he is to me. And they think it was funny to them and i don’t think it was funny at all.

Just ignore them.


I keep getting texts from Work today asking me why I didn’t mention this thing and didn’t tell them about the other thing. Like WTF!? It’s my day off and the supervisor at work today knew about these things. No idea why they’re bothering me for all of this.

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To add insult to injury.


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Ye men you fuuuudged brah



Like we are having a lot of Jewish clients which have their day off on Friday but on Sunday they are going to bug you all day via chats and calls :slight_smile:


When your family says they say they well be here at one time and they show up hours later

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Last night got 6! It’s usually 5-6 only :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks! I am doing quite good now :blush:

This doesn’t works i guess lol… i do more when I am in prob :sweat_smile::joy:
Pain it fine now :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course! :smiley: Ãlwåyß in hearts!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart: No worries dear. I thought i should share with ya guys…

Well tmro as i said… Tuesday… appointment again. They will set up screws again. No pain no gain. Y’all are there so no worries. I can fight anything :blush:

Yep! :smiley::smiley::muscle::muscle: :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::heart:

Thank you my dear! :heart_eyes::kissing_heart::heart: Hugs to you tooo! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Y’all are sooo Caring! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks dear! :heart::heart:

Staying strong for tnro… and next 7 days ice cream :heart_eyes::joy::joy::joy: :icecream::shaved_ice::icecream::shaved_ice::ice_cream::icecream::shaved_ice::ice_cream:
Lol. Anyways. Thanks a lot y’all . Love you :heart::heart: take care!


The police flying over the neighbourhood at 01:20…again! :rage:

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Sorry to hear this Rob I hope they stop soon for you

Ugh irritating

Again?! I remember you were talking about this . Is it all season all year thing?! So irritating at 1 am especially!

Ahh I know the feeling all too well :expressionless:
The night before last night, we had someone go on a road rage in the neighborhood then go into an apartment parking lot behind our house on the other side of the block and do donuts, he hit 3 cars and then crashed into the apartment complex :expressionless: Then he ran off on foot and cops took ages and didn’t find him lol


Oooh that’s bad!

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My room is essentially a torture chamber, especially in the summer.


Same here at work

Cause of?.

In the summer:

-Helicopters passing an average of every 15 mins during the day (not hyperbole).
-The foxes that won’t shut the fuck up.
-My room getting unberably hot (30C and up) in the afternoon because the sun cooks it and I can’t open the window and have the curtains drawn at the same time, it’s either or. I either get fresh air and 3rd degree burns, or I get shade and suffocate.
-The insects that won’t stop flying into my room.

In the winter (surprisingly not that much, another reason as to why I like winter):

-My leaky ceiling that was supposed to be fixed, but still sort of leaks and makes an annoying dripping noise, that at night is enough to keep me awake.

All the time:

-Passenger planes have started passing overhead over the last year, they’re at a much higher altitude than the copters, but can still be heard.
-What I’m assuming are people sometimes doing night time lessons in light aircraft past midnight.
-The police hovering over the neighbourhood every so often at stupid hours of the night / morning.
-The bathroom tap which is on the other side of the wall, right next to my head when I’m in bed, that thing can be heard from any spot in the house (again, not hyperbole).

There’s probably a couple of other things that I’m forgetting off the top of my head.


Umm…stay strong… :confused:

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I have no choice, I just deal with it. :joy: It’s one of the reasons why I’m so miserable a lot of the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Also I guess my current wifi can be counted as tourture from a certain perspactive.

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