What grinds your gears?

Wait, something happened these days? Didn’t have time to check the last news…

Belgian shooting, 2 policemen and one civilian dead, shooter took a hostage, but they were ok, shooter was killed. Nothing new.

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Oh Thanks for replying…


Idk if I should be asking something like this much less in a public place but were you caught up in one of them? Bataclan? :disappointed_relieved:

I was supposed to go out near it when it happened but had a flu this day. The morning I woke up, I had a lot of text message asking me if I was still alive. Even if I wasn’t there, I began to hear a lot of ambulance siren everyday, everytime. It haunted me. And the next year, when I saw a firework (the 14 of july), it was like heard a gunfire. Then the 15th of july I found out the attack in Nice. Maybe I had a kind of psychological trauma.


Stay strong dear!! :muscle: :sun_with_face:

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It’s kinda difficult to think of it even being so far away from you but can really only say I’m very very glad those germs got you that day and got you sick… :innocent: I’ve never been so appreciative of a flu haha…:slight_smile: we can only hope other actions like that are foiled by people being more vigilant but for now at least I’m glad you’re here with us and that I’ve gotten to know you even if just a tiny bit on the surface with what you share :hugs:
And I’ll hope someday something good happens while you’re seeing fireworks so you relate the good memory to them Instead of anything else :slight_smile:


Thank you @lpfan61 and @framos1792. That’s so kind. Your words matter to me and I’m so glad to be here too. :hugs::heart:


Stay strong sending lots of love your way :gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:

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I completely understand. I was in Boston when the Marathon bombings happened in 2013. My now husband and i missed the early train we wanted to take in and that’s the only reason we weren’t at the finish line when they went off.
I’m glad you weren’t there.


Bloody crap :neutral_face: I’m glad you two were safe too :triumph: It’s so different when you so much as hear anyone you know in any way was close to it…just hearing about it on the news you imagine how bad it was but it doesn’t get to you the way It does to know someone you care for in any way was nearby does…


Thank you @StephLP18 and @melisLP. Fortunately, we had a lucky star theses days. :hugs:


:sweat::sweat_smile: lucky star, guardian angel, rabbits foot, fortunate flu, lazy train whatever it was :sweat_smile:

Can’t sleep @Lilyope? :confused: I’m sorry if I asked and put thoughts in your head :confused:


Don’t worry it’s not your fault. :hugs: I started to listen to Mike’s songs and I can’t stop it now. :joy:

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It’s too loud :shushing_face: and too :fire:

You need :poodle::unicorn::ram: (there’s no sheep! :frowning: lol):ocean::tent:

Here we go :hugs: lol


Thank you, you’re so sweet. I’ll try to sleep. Goodnight. :hugs:

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Only the best for you @Lilyope, sending you strength :muscle:t2::hugs: and hope it calms inside of you… it wasn’t supposed for you to be there, thanx the lord,

and my poor lil sweet soul sis, @honey8 that’s horrible what you’ve been through… sorry that I couldn’t have been there for you - but be sure in my heart I am always :kissing_heart::heart:


@Honey8 dear sweety!!! Stay strong and take care of yourself please please please!! :hugs: :hugs: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :muscle: :honey_pot:

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Sending you strength @Honey8! Tooth issues sucks. I hope everything will be fine in the end. Hugs to you. :hugs::hugs:

Thank you @theearlywalker :hugs: I hope too.

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Sending you lots of love and strength honey please take care

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