What grinds your gears?

I always take at least a couple of photos at the shows I go to, during the mellow parts at least. I certainly prefer to enjoy it phone free but I kind of get it too.

What pisses me off the most is at m&gs when people shove their phones in the guys’ faces. Like, wth are you doing? They are there to meet and talk to you, not your phone!


And in the same way, they are there to sing for you and not being photographed…
When I go to a concert I take 1-2 photos during my least favourite song …
@melisLP And if he is that close I would prefer to sing with him and smile that letting him see the back of my phone!!!

Oh absolutely, me too. I’d only take a few at the right times. No way I’d have it in my hand the entire night.

My cellphone is officially dead. I’m sending strength to my credit card now. :pray::joy:


Oh f**k! That sucks. :frowning:

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Yep, i’m checking online what kind of phone i could have without paying too much. I saw a Nokia 3310 which cost one euro. :joy:


Ohhh nooo :scream: strong dear :muscle:t2:, good luck with it :crossed_fingers:t2::hugs:

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I am sorry for you…but to be honest you now have the opinion to get such a cool phone as the nokia :joy: just take care so it wont hit the floor (you would need a new floor after that)


I’m sure that a lot of people would be jealous of my snake game ! :grin:


The hells wrong with that dude? Prove string theory?? Lol I hope it’s “explain” or something

Sweet dreams muahaha

I heard those “classics” were making a comeback in tons of different colors, very stylish :sunglasses::+1:


Well it doesn’t even matter now because I get an A on it


Snake was awesome

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oh wow! last post was 7 days ago! :smiley: and no problems since 7 days! THIS IS AMAZING!!!
well asking me i had some health issues two days ago… just extra extra pain…so the thing happened… (some people here know about this)

5 weeks ago the docs put 2 screws in my upper jaw both side. as a part of treatment in my gums… that 1 and half hr sitting was like hell… trust me it was no good.
Two days back. it was morning around 5:30 am. i was upas for my regular early morning study. The left side started paining badly… the entire left side… the pain went till the head and idk … the left side screw came out on its own. i just took is and woke my mum saying it came out… 5 seconds later i came to my desk… fainted… blackout… i was on chair last thing i remember… the i had big bump on my head i fell on floor… the saw my family there trying me up.
That day passed. The head was reeling… true. but it took rest. The next day doc appointment. The said as the screw has come out there is some swelling and will see me after 15 days… tightening of the lowers done.
So yea…i gotta go again after 15 days! :slight_smile: the pain was worse yesterday. today i am v v v better. ad soo much rest these days lol… 7-8 hrs sleep at night! :heart_eyes: thanks to @georkost se took a promise from me! “…you are not resting well honey promise 8 hr sleep tonight!” :joy: oh my angel i love you :hugs: :heart::heart: . Well yea anytime in the dentist chair when i feelpain i think of you guys and i am instantly stronger! :joy: Y’all are awesome!!
From tmro back to study :stuck_out_tongue: lot of pending for this week lol!
Just stay like this with me… i can fight through anything then… you guys are my strength… :heart: never go away my angels :slight_smile: love yall! :blush:


Now you’re a cyborg, even more so than me :stuck_out_tongue: , are they permanent?

Oh f*ck

If this is a lot to you, how much do you usually get? 0_o

I hope you get better soon. Stay strong.


Be strong! And do not stress yourself so much! I’m glad you are feeling better now, but please sleep what you have to sleep.


We are unified has done great stuff that i canr find elsewhere but oh my bejebus monkey testicles have they had poor customer service it took nearly 6 minths to get my ht vinyl

Ok so on one hand im totally chuffed that this is one of the things that is grinding my gears, because it’s such a first world problem, and im lucky that ive only had one ptsd related meltdown thus week which is really quite amazing
But on the other hand

Dethclaws. I hate dethclaws and supermutants ganging up on me when i only have one gun in my inventory. GAWDAMN DETHCLAWS!!

I will destroy them

I’m sick of every terrorist attack. It haunts me everytime. Bad memories comes back to me. Just needed to write it, so I’m writing it there. :pray:


When well the world learn to love ?

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We say that it takes all sorts of people to make a world, but I still hope that will stop one day.