What grinds your gears?

We have to work in a group project in physics and I got my group and knowing this I will have to do everything myself like I always do in group projects

@turners34 , join the club. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah if I don’t do it myself it won’t get done

Don’t take everything on yourself! Just start with assigning equal amounts of tasks to everyone for example. That way every group member has to do the same amount of work and can be held responsible

Yeah but there not responsible

You can make everybody responsible by giving each member their own task :wink:

Yeah but if they don’t do it my grade will go down

IF they don’t do it :slight_smile: If nothing works in the end, you should alert the teacher. I know that doesn’t always help (ask @the_termin8r :sweat_smile:), but it gives you more chance for a better grade. Good luck!

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Doesn’t work, if they do it, they do the bare minimum to a shit quality. Which is just as bad as it not being done.

Also, what is your project task @turners34 ?

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Well we’re given a physics theory your supposed to prove it then write a paper on it then give about a speech on your topic

Also I have a final on may 10 or the 11 I need to start studying for

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Typical group project nonsense, a one-person task split between 5-6 people, because logic. Which theory did you get?

Also on a side note, how are you finding the circuit theory? :stuck_out_tongue:

String theory

Ouch, that’s particle physics if I recall, no?

Yes it is but he has a lot of people in the class so he had to throw a couple other ones on there and he thinks I can do it

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Fox season is here. :expressionless:

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This is my world right now. :rage: Yesterday it took me 30 mins to upload a 2.5 MB pic to imgur.


Sending you strength man, that sucks so bad. When will it be restored?

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We need to find a better deal first, might be some time. I don’t know for sure.


This!!! Nobody is watching Mike with their own eyes… He is flesh and blood in front of them and they are taking f…g photos!!!
Really people???

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I don’t know, being that close, I can’t blame them. I know I’d be taking a couple. I wouldn’t do it the entire show though.