What grinds your gears?

Suspend no, but I can scold them and send them home early if they piss me off (aka, not doing what they’re supposed to be doing). I’ve done that before but my manager is the only one that can actually suspend people.

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What is it with people at airport security check? I mean, they tell you before what items to have ready and not to wear your jacket or whatever, why does (almost) everyone wait till the very last minute for the security employee to tell them this? Making everyone else wait extra long…

This one teacher I have I am so sick of her and the funny thing is she isn’t a real teacher she is my IEP teacher she came into my class and said pull up your English grade which is an A like always but she yelled because I missed one small thing but I have and A and my English teacher said it’s ok if don’t do it because it was something that we did when I was sick. Why won’t she stay away from me

an i the only one who got logged out on the forums all of a sudden today ?


Nope, I was logged out when I came today, both here and on my phone.


Me tooo! About 3 h ago… work in progress on lp site! :smile: :muscle:

EDIT: few minutes before I was logged out there was that message:


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It did to me too

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Happened to me too

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Been here for like 2 days and realised why Greeks are as*holes. They don’t care about anything, it’s ridicukous.

So I just found out that whatever was going on here yesterday caused every single pic to be deleted from my site because they were all linked from here :expressionless: . It’s kind of my fault though for not using photobucket or something similar.

:open_mouth: Oh that sucks Rob, sorry to hear this!

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Just when I think its always only me, yes I got logged out as well, like twice actually.

:scream: oh no! You have to add them again! Maybe this time with another way… :confused: stay strong! :muscle:

Have I told you how much I despise Greek public services? -.-

Nooo that sucks! Maybe use dropbox or google drive.

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My dropbox is almost full, I’ve made a new photobucket account. I’ll have them all back up over the next couple of days.

That is really sucks Rob sorry this happened

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You know one of the biggest things that grinds my gears, if not the biggest, is how people can hate one another without even knowing the other person, not trying to get to know them, and having absolutely no reason to feel this way towards them in the first place. Why are people this ignorant? (Rhetorical question) Tell me how it makes sense for someone to hate or judge another person based on their race, skin color, language or how they speak, what they have done when the other person is certainly no angel, or any other reason out there. Nothing no one can say is a good enough reason to hate another human being. Not liking them, sure, I can understand this, don’t want to talk or associate with them, ok, also no problem, but physically hating someone, no, not at all. Im sure whatever they have done, trust and believe that they will get theirs, and that you shouldn’t lower yourself to that level to hate them, be the bigger person here, and just learn to forgive and forget. Hope everyone has a nice day, and I love you all.


Well said Charles and I agree

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I will never understand why people que early and in the wrong places (priority boarding/business class) even when the plane is delayed. Like, where’s the logic? And why the rush?