What grinds your gears?

Apparently not

And it’s your turn in the lie to me thread.

Am I the only one who finds the Wix website hosting service ad on YT really annoying. I get it all the time and it starts of with the statement “you need a website”. NO, I DON’T NEED A BLOODY WEBSITE!

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Reasons why I have ad block.

Bad coffee.

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Once, I unfortunately had to try an onion-coffee.

Onion coffee? I’m not sure I want to google that…

I once tried cherry cheese in Sainsbury’s I nearly vomited.

Just somebody used the spoon, which was supposed for putting some sugar into my cup, for getting some mushrooms with onions, while I was out for a minute… I just haven’t noticed till it was too late.

:joy: only statement in music possible

And just like that you call it onion-coffee? :confounded: :laughing:

You made me think of a dying patient’s last wine… :wine_glass:

I love that song! One of the very first I learned to play too.

fine u2 you liked the other day, so we mb are a lil bit similar in music? when was your tour date?

@samuel_the_leader your associations crap here buddie, let´s enjoy the nice music and RED WINE with onion coffee and cola-zero, like a beer or soda Leader?

:scream: omg wasn´t shopping and FAMILY FORGOT TO BUY WINE :rolling_eyes: they sure wanna kill me :joy:

I grew up with classic rock, it’s the first music I was introduced to. I may not post about such bands and artists but I appreciate and love them, some shaped music all those years ago.

Which concert are you referring to exactly? (Should we move this to the nifty thread?)

Yes…I´m jumping :relaxed:

Maybe all the drinks are crap?

Smelled like onion.

What grinds my gears is when typing messages, accidentally omit typing words, then question gets misunderstood, and chat ends prematurely.
