What grinds your gears?

Lego pieces that should exist but don’t.


This hasn’t happened to me in ages, but the meme is still funny.

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Calling customer service, waiting for ages and having my phone credit waste away, to then finally having a live person on the other side of the line hang up on me… That just costed me E 7 euro!

When you’re dead tired but it’s too early to go to sleep.

I hate taking naps because my time awareness gets screwed (When I wake up I mistake afternoons for mornings) up and I can’t sleep later.

changing music if sbd enters the room :confounded:

@the_termin8r Unfortunately that happens to me too but sometimes I don’t care and I nap.

@The_early_walker Why change the music?

I hate it when somebody tries to get my attention when I’m with headphones. If I’m wearing headphones, that’s your queue to fudge off.

husband don´t like my musik :sob:

hahaa… i do the same. Nice to see another ‘‘people hater’’ :smiley:

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So what? You’re not allowed to listen to what YOU like?

cause of respecting his needs…lol normally closing the door, and turn the full amp power, lol of my boom box…
so if I wanfnastay with him in a room together, me is changing to sm compromiss one mb U2or “Radio!” or charts…lol, this it is if living compagnionship, …my definition…lol

Nobody in my family likes my music :laughing: We all pretty much hate each others’ music.

Why not wear headphones?

haven´t found good fitting ones till now, pl, you as experts, what is good? and which allow to move?

You could always look into wireless ones. I can’t help you on wireless one unfortunately. If you’re looking for decent ones for a cheap price then look into the Sennheiser HD202. They’re tuned more for bass and the highs and mids could be improved but you can’t expect more for £25 (~32 Euro).

If you want to spend more then try the Sennheiser HD 449. I got them to replace them my 202s and they’re quite good. A bit weak on the bass but the mids and highs are good. They cost about £80 here (~103 Euro) which is quite a jump in price but they are a massive improvement over the 202s. The 449s used to be my dads but he replaced them with AKG 167 which he says are good and cost about the same.

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thanx so the best modell you can recommend [ even stabile performance for cable etc is really important to me, I´m a terminator on such lil stuff…:rolling_eyes:]

Well my 202s died because the cable broke, but that’s after about 5-6 years of some serious wear an tear. I can’t say about the 449s because I haven’t got the guts to destroy £80, but the cable feels like it can handle some rough stuff. But the 202s are pretty sturdy even though they feel weak. Also, it worth noting that all headphones get better over time as you break them in (like shoes).

good adviser, thanx, nowI go to a shop and talk like an expert [before that I´ve to learn the vocs of ya former post, but nevertheless: you enlightened my dumbness a bit and :chocolate_bar: for ya…thanx

If there is an opportunity, try them out. Then make your decision. Don’t buy them, hate them and then blame me for it :laughing:

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I like torturing you after, like ya do on spiders lol, :sweat_smile::smirk::sunglasses: