What grinds your gears?

The only time that’s annoying is when doing maths, otherwise I like improvising

This, but I never got to play until dark but I still got to stay out late with my granddad. I remember once me and my granddad said to my mum that we were going ‘to the centre’. She thought we meant the centre of our town we meant the centre of London so you can imagine the trouble we were in when we got back :laughing:

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Till dark only in the summer :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah… I honestly don’t get kids (and some parents) nowadays.

I thought staying up late (aka after 10pm) was crazy awesome xD

A few years back I’d have been lucky to stay up past 21:00-21:30. Lights out is now at 23:00 for me.

It’s all about working process. They demand some results but you don’t know what this exactly is, untill it’s too late (and you find out, that it’s too late to cope or issue the working plan).

this sounds serious @Jabin_Quaken what was your job, dude’?

Sorry @The_early_walker , I don’t really wanna talk about it in detail. :sweat:

so, from my side to you the force to get ahead @Jabin_Quaken :v:

You thank I, @The_early_walker.

May the force be with you!

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I can kinda relate to this. Last year we had a teacher that would give us assignments, we’d do them and as we’re doing them he’d change them and we’d have to start pretty much all over again. He did this 2-3 times on every bloody assignment.

Ugh, happened to me as well. We ended up not doing the assignment at all.

The thing is on my course you have to do the base assignments or you fail automatically and of course you don’t want to get out with minimum grades.

I also hate it when you make a minor mistake in a maths assignment and/or exam like forgetting to add something or forgetting to put the units on your answer.

Ours wasn’t compulsory but it guaranteed 50% of our final grade (aka a 5, the minimum mark you need to pass) but due to the confusion and the tutor being a d*** we didn’t do it.

I hate it that it’s so hot today. I’m melting!

hot? ugh, :confounded:it is time to change finally Eva, we have S N O W again…:astonished::upside_down:

Yeah… it’s becoming unbearable now. It’s up to the 30s.

0 s here…grey sky, rain…alil spooky with all the growing coloured flowers…I know you would love it…:relaxed:

From this morning, just cuz it’s dark doesn’t mean gonna rain:

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Yesterday had this:

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Guys (@samuel_the_leader @Jabin_Quaken ) , are you in the wrong thread or does your scenery annoy you?

Whaaaat?! Aahahah. Im definately in the wrong thread. Just used to post some skies where @samuel_the_leader does.

Though, I’m a bit annoyed by the rainy sky.

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You two obviously didn’t understand my metaphor to @The_early_walker :stuck_out_tongue: