What grinds your gears?

When paperwork could (and should) be done faster but it’s not and everything slows down.

When people are completely and utterly incompetent in a practical sense. Like it took 3 of my friends 6-7 mins to put a screen protector on another friend’s phone properly yesterday.

Hhmmm… it’s not that easy as it seems. Especially, when the protector’s quality isn’t that good.

I’ve put on several protectors and it was relatively easy.

Your technical hands are straight. You’d be surprised, knowing how many people got problems with it. One of my friends used to apply a transparent tape on his ipod. That was… awful.

TBH, doing things with my hands (don’t read too much into that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) is the one thing I’m relatively good at. I’m more practical than theoretical.

doubblerooms in hospital :scream:especcially if the one moves out in the morning, and you leave in the awarenss: Yes you are alone now :heart_eyes: and if you come back at 1800 AND FIND new room mate [even more complicated] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :astonished::rage::angry:

But that’s normal? I don’t know of any hospital that has private rooms? (not a public hospital at least).

If I were in hospital I’d prefer a single room.

On another note: I hate having to share a bed. I had to share a double bed with my dad in a hotel on one of out holidays once, it was really awkward.

Depends with whom you’re sharing with :stuck_out_tongue: But in general, I want my own space, I never sleep well when I have to share with certain people.

When it’s super hot and you have to ride the metro and is crowded af.

The modern Minecraft generation of 12 year olds who think Lego is crap. Clearly they must have never picked up a Lego brick or tried to build something from their imagination. Now obviously I’m a bit biased but there’s something more special about making something physical with your hands than with a remote on a screen.


lol, this would be a battlefield if you take this position, you are like ya parents: not accepting the young as they are, that’s a bad case :upside_down:

You misunderstand me. I mean the really naive young ones that fail to see the other side of the coin. I’ve nothing against MC but when they start to blab crap it gets annoying.

and who decide that they are naive? You? And did ya parents not argue the same stuff: you´re too young, too naive etc? be honest Rob, and it is normal, we are judging so fast, and we are all embossed by our families/society…omo :rolling_eyes:

A lot of the time it’s pretty self evident. If you’ve seen any of those videos you’d know. I’m talking about the type that would die to protect their opinion, the ones who fail to acknowledge even a single merit of an alternative. I was never like that as a kid. My sister is 12, she acknowledges MC as a thing that people like, she thinks it’s ok and yet she’s partial to Lego.

Yes, they did, but not about this sort of thing. I was naive in a different way as a kid.

I think, every new age has it´s kids…lego will never die but at least the mainstream pushes the kids away…in every generation, maybe the kids playing lego are the rebellions now…LEGO-REBELLION

Another annoying thing is that Lego costs a fortune.

What grinds my gears is the “information vacuum”. Working on smth. and not knowing, how is it going and what’s next.

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Generations change… As a kid I didn’t grow up with iPads and TVs, I actually played outside. When I was 12 I didn’t care about looks, being fat, boys… kids nowadays? They all have iPhones and iPads by the time they turn 8 (crazy but true), they don’t know what it’s like to play outside till dark and freaking 12yr olds think they’re divas and/or they’re too fat (aka not teeny tiny model sized) and crap like that. And it’s only gonna get worse as years go by… it’s pretty sad.