What grinds your gears?

Yep, every time I walk in the streets. People act like they don’t see me and hit me with their shoulders when passing around me :slight_smile:
Remembering Numb official video :slight_smile:

But nobody is invisible, just other people are stupid for not seeing you :heart:


Hey @framos1792 where have you been these days!? I was really thinking where’d you go… Are you busy these days??

And I didn’t understand your invisible question :confused:


Hehe I have been invisible lately :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I still read around every day I just haven’t been able to be as active due to school starting up and one brother’a bday coming up and just stuff in general-work

Thank you @lpfan61, @mishelka3, @theearlywalker and @Honey8
I think I meant like in a sense where you’re just floating around everywhere? Not to where people aren’t considering you but just uhh you’re not here or there because you’re hopping around for days? Lol i don’t know how to explain-like a disconnect

It’s always great to come back here though :blush:


Just finished designing my Lego project. Multiple things about it annoy me. Mainly the asymmetry of the whole thing and the fact that it has to be powered by the same brick that I use for my RC, I wanted it to be a pure lego project (maybe I should call it project Heretic :stuck_out_tongue: ). Then there’s the other 5 thousand problems that are bound to crop up. Oh and the price which I haven’t calculated yet. :confused:


Welcome back to the forum @framos1792 ! :hugs: :smile:

And @the_termin8r … I’m impressive by your work… :flushed:

Not really, my lego projects tend to be very annoying with lots of niggles. I’m pretty sure I didn’t make this one rigid enough.

My previous one was a nightmare. It was so badly designed that the proportions were completely wrong and the gearbox kept spitting gears out in 6th gear (Ignore, the bit about the gear ratios in the post, it’s wrong).

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What??! You’re really incredible!!and it works too… so many little pieces… :flushed: how patient you are… really admire your work…so skilfull… :smiley:

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Thanks, but patient I’m not. :joy: Very bored, but not patient. I like to work with my hands. Other proper Lego hobbyists who do this stuff 24/7 design some seriously awesome things.

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Hey @the_termin8r your project looks great!! :wink:
This is your third right?
You are quite skillfull in this. Keep it up! :blush:

And yeah @framos1792 birthday wishes to your brother in advance! :wink:


2nd or 3rd depending on how you look at it.

I admire your patience!!! I could never deal with all these :slight_smile:

@framos1792 hi :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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My mum. She grinds my gears and my holidays are just awful!

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Lol what happened @rorymcgarrett ? Got some scoldings???

Apparently I have no self control and I am fat. And I hate her as she put it

Oh… So For the exercise stuff you are getting scoldings…?

Ehh no idea… I am regretting already coming here.

No pls dont… Hey I didn’t mean to hurt you…

No I meant home. Always same situation when I am at home and even if I am here twice a year

Ohooo!! The rest of the time uni??

No, work. :slight_smile: