What grinds your gears?

I don’t feel sorry… By blaming anyone Chester or anyone else won’t come back… It is insensitive and totally rude…


I’ve just remembered an annoying situation from the past year of school
A girl from our class had IPhone 6S 128GB(Apparently, one of the most expensive ones) and after school break she told the teacher that her phone is gone. Everyone was looking for it, we couldn’t go to another class and she was blaming a bunch of girls .eventually we were hungry and went to the canteen… SHE FORGOT THE DAMN THING THERE! We were sitting for almost an hour in one classroom, she was abusing (and hadn’t said sorry) a couple of nice girls because of her own dumbness

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I totally agree. I think (s)he’s not thinking straight.

Noone is to blame for this.

Mike doesn’t deserve that. People are so… Meh…


Damn… this person should try stand in Mike’s place. Just try to imagine how he is probably blaming himself for not being around at that moment. It’s hard for all of us but for the band it’s much worse…
Guys need support…


The worst part is that I have seen several post at his account like this…

The only happy thing is -as far as I can see through social media- he is handling the situation pretty good…
He is a great man and he is working his way out of this situation…

Nobody deserves to be blamed for something that he cannot control… Not Mike, not LP not his wife…

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@gatsie have you seen the instagram photo that his shirt was half up because he hit somewhere??? )

You mean the one where he got hurt at the barricades? Why of course I have :blush:

Οk!!! I thought so but when I saw it I thought about you :slight_smile: I was stalking his ig page today!!!

His insta hasn’t been that active lately :frowning:

He is getting better… I’ve seen his twitter… He will be better soon…

The comments under Mike’s post are the least of their problems right now. Other (specific) people have said way nastier things these last few days.

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This person said equally bad things for Mike in the past… These things are all bad for them…

Hey @NickGr se should have apologized at least
And for the topic I really feel sad that such people exist. You can’t blame anyone…if you have no evidence…

Yep exactly Gatsie ! He doesn’t deserves that!

@jabinquaken totally agreed with you. They really need time… If these people will post such comments it will not heal them… It will make their scars more worse

:+1: :+1:

Yep!! Totally agreed! :open_mouth:

Ever have a day you feel invisible? its one of those days

I see you lol @framos1792


I appreciate that :hugs:

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Very good - :sunny: this was the intention, and everybody who gives you another feel isn’t worth your awareness - stay strong :muscle:

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You’re not invisible! You’re here between us…you’re an important person for me… don’t mind people that don’t understand this… :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: