What grinds your gears?

My brother’s wife decided to get her hair colored instead of getting a new clothes dryer.

How bloody expensive is hair dye? 0_o

getting it professionally done cost a lot.

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Are ride was supposed be here at 2 it is now 330 so an hour and a half late which is so stupid and just wrong

Looks like it will be another sleepless night courtesy of W10 :expressionless:

Somehow, somebody “magically” found some money (about $600,000) set aside for the school district. But three teachers are still being laid off after this school year.

They must be experienced magicians

I was listening to the radio and got so angry at the speaker! :rage: He was talking about the Italian rock festival called I-days that LP attended last year like many others bands and he said "oh,last year there were LP too, but aheam this year umm not…"with a sarcastic tone… almost broke the radio to shut it down… :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Idiot! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… to not become furious I better shut up :zipper_mouth_face: - but take this dear :hugs:

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Yeah! :cry: thank you! :hugs:

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I am so angry right now at this

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Is youtube being slow for anyone else when switching between videos? I.e. When you click on a video, does the red progress bar at the top of the page take 5-10 secs to fill up and load the page / video? Once the page is loaded the video is fine for me and the issue is exclusive to youtube. I’ve got 100 on the DL so it isn’t my wifi and it isn’t my laptop either.

You have this issue often…
not even YouTube likes you :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually the issue came up maybe a week ago. My old laptop is fine and I doubt it’s this one considering the motherboard was swapped out yesterday and I only get this on youtube.

Of course nothing is working as it should the last 2 days before I leave for holidays at work. My stress levels are terribly high today and nobody else seems worried about anything. I’m almos at the brick of shouting at everyone for being lazy and not alert today.


:joy::joy: but I do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@evooba hold on- two days - sending a powerhug and I know you make it! :muscle:t2:

Do you have the power to suspend people?

Suspend no, but I can scold them and send them home early if they piss me off (aka, not doing what they’re supposed to be doing). I’ve done that before but my manager is the only one that can actually suspend people.

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What is it with people at airport security check? I mean, they tell you before what items to have ready and not to wear your jacket or whatever, why does (almost) everyone wait till the very last minute for the security employee to tell them this? Making everyone else wait extra long…

This one teacher I have I am so sick of her and the funny thing is she isn’t a real teacher she is my IEP teacher she came into my class and said pull up your English grade which is an A like always but she yelled because I missed one small thing but I have and A and my English teacher said it’s ok if don’t do it because it was something that we did when I was sick. Why won’t she stay away from me