What are you doing right now?

Writing, watching TV, thinking about sleeping


Listening to music as I can’t sleep.

Going to sleep good night soldiers

This is the moment where the next replies are about sleeping jaja goodnight dear family :smile: :hugs:

Or about getting up lol - good night America :crescent_moon: and good morning Europe :sunny:

Ot: :coffee: & :iphone:

@LP13413 how was the meet??


They’re making progress, but it’s a painfully slow process.

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Oh wow, thats so unfair, But that means your contract is saved?

If they can all agree on it.

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Oh wow, still an open case? That sucks- when will they know if they agreed on it?

Ot: installing my new router now- wish me luck, never done this before- :sweat_smile::pray:t2:

EDIT: YAAAY :muscle: :tada: it works :blush:


I did so many things today I feel tired already. Making lunch now…

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Getting up and ready for another interview for a second job . Good morning lp family I hope you all have a God bless day.

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In bed, listening to Mike’s songs. Fighting my bad thoughts. I will probably go for a run tomorrow morning. Good night everyone. :kissing_heart:


Back home from my side job


About to watch another episode of my series then probably listen to music while in bed.

Getting under my blaklent and going to sleep good night soliders

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Woke up with a cold -.- Hope it gets better by the end of the week. Off to work…

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Oh no! Get well soon!

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Get well sooon!!! :muscle: :hugs:

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Hope ya better soon my friend @evooba - and good morning guys, hope everyone is having a good start into the weekend :sunny:, for the workers a powerhug :hugs:

Ot: chores… then Biergarten :heart_eyes: and shopping, it’s sunny outside and this is just wonderful :sunny:


Get well soon!

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