What grinds your gears?

Onion coffee? I’m not sure I want to google that…

I once tried cherry cheese in Sainsbury’s I nearly vomited.

Just somebody used the spoon, which was supposed for putting some sugar into my cup, for getting some mushrooms with onions, while I was out for a minute… I just haven’t noticed till it was too late.

:joy: only statement in music possible

And just like that you call it onion-coffee? :confounded: :laughing:

You made me think of a dying patient’s last wine… :wine_glass:

I love that song! One of the very first I learned to play too.

fine u2 you liked the other day, so we mb are a lil bit similar in music? when was your tour date?

@samuel_the_leader your associations crap here buddie, let´s enjoy the nice music and RED WINE with onion coffee and cola-zero, like a beer or soda Leader?

:scream: omg wasn´t shopping and FAMILY FORGOT TO BUY WINE :rolling_eyes: they sure wanna kill me :joy:

I grew up with classic rock, it’s the first music I was introduced to. I may not post about such bands and artists but I appreciate and love them, some shaped music all those years ago.

Which concert are you referring to exactly? (Should we move this to the nifty thread?)

Yes…I´m jumping :relaxed:

Maybe all the drinks are crap?

Smelled like onion.

What grinds my gears is when typing messages, accidentally omit typing words, then question gets misunderstood, and chat ends prematurely.


Lego pieces that should exist but don’t.


This hasn’t happened to me in ages, but the meme is still funny.

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Calling customer service, waiting for ages and having my phone credit waste away, to then finally having a live person on the other side of the line hang up on me… That just costed me E 7 euro!

When you’re dead tired but it’s too early to go to sleep.

I hate taking naps because my time awareness gets screwed (When I wake up I mistake afternoons for mornings) up and I can’t sleep later.

changing music if sbd enters the room :confounded: