What grinds your gears?

Seems that it’s working now. Tried it a couple of months back
@gatsie, Turbo mode is Opera’s in-build VPN - the server sees you like you’re not in your country when it’s on

Try it again. I think they discontinued their VPN service, but the developer mode version I didn’t update.

When you wake up and find out that they cut off electricity, hot and cold water.

Too much dog barking outside -_-

Why on earth would they do that?

It’s warm, sunny and I got no sleep. In other words today I’m in such an appalling mood that I’ll curb stomp the first person that looks at me funny.

Nobody knows. There wasn’t any warning. Probably some crash.

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Maybe their doing some sort of repairs and didn’t tell anyone? Do you know how widespread the problem is?

I know that there was a crash last week and the whole area had no warm water. Those 60 years old pipes suck…


I ever mentioned before that some nights, the power keeps tripping.


And to download BBC Media Player, you need to have sufficient space on device and to be in the UK.

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I feel like killing people today.


Damn blackout…

28 degrees in my room at the moment :unamused:

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Selfish siblings who throw a fit over bullshit. Grow the fuck up man, spoiled piece of shit.

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Advertisements before every single YouTube video

Just get adblock, posted a link a few posts above.

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Colds and clogged nose -_-

AdBlock doesn’t work all the time on YT(dunno why, it used to)

My brother and sister in law used to tattle on me if I told them no for babysitting and my stepmom would bitch at me for it.