When and where?

Awesome sky right now:

Also my last official day in uni this year:


I loved the sky today!! Didn’t have the chance to take any pics though. The clouds were insane!

I’ve got more from today as well:


Line of separation:


Got another RC today, this one is tiny:

Here are some comparisons to stuff that was on my desk:

Spent ages with a custom battery mod:

Ended up using an ice lolly stick as a battery mount :stuck_out_tongue:


How warm is it there? It’s 25°C here.

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It’s about that much here too.

Why is it so hot?! Ugh!!!


Old hospital


It was so hot just an hour ago
Now it’s raining(btw, any weather gets insane when it’s So Far Away from LPU12 playing)

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How hot was it @NickGr?

No rain. Now it’s 26°C.

About 22-25
Same now, but raining

Went to a forest close to my house today, it was so cool under the tree canopy where the sun doesn’t reach, also finally got to take my truck for a spin after being out of commission for so long.

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Yup, yesterday evening was crazy; mosquitoes were biting.

We don’t have mosquitoes over here but houseflies are a nightmare.

Too hot for London, what’s this, I need normal wearher

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But they don’t bite. (Wait, or do you mean horseflies?)

What’s the most annoying is insects attracted to the lights at night.

No no, houseflies, the shit eaters. There’s usually 3 at a time buzzing around in the living room they come in every 5 mins or so.


Nearly melted my finger off on my ESC the other day so I bought a fan.

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Is your house that smelly? :speak_no_evil:[quote=“evooba, post:2429, topic:11720”]
Too hot for London, what’s this, I need normal wearher

Global warming. The temperature here has risen from 26°C to 27°C, and now it’s 28°C :stuck_out_tongue:

No, they just fly in, happened in the old place too. We’re not tramps, my mum’s a clean freak of sorts :stuck_out_tongue: