What grinds your gears?


When you read reviews of OML and all most people say is that it sucks. Fact: the only people LP are beholden to with their music is themselves.

They need to make music that makes them happy. The album may not be one you can reach right now, but it does not universally suck. Others like it, others love it, and some like me are meh at the moment and that is OK. However, the band is proud of it and that is literally all that matters.

Man that really grinds my gears. …

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That’s what I’m doing since I’m kid :joy:

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An interesting fact of your biography…

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Dammit dude :joy:

Reminds me of how sometimes when asked this question: [quote=“lauralou42, post:2024, topic:11964”]
“Do you have a bathroom?”

How we in Holland often say:
“Use the 3rd tree on your right outside”.

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When you sit in the hospital, waiting for your MRT and there’s nobody and nothing :expressionless:

When you want to sunbathe and the moment you sit in the sun, the clouds cover it. So you wait a while. But the clouds keep hiding the sun. So you decide to give up, because you already have a cold. And then when you are back inside to focus on other chores, the clouds are gone and the sun is shining its hot rays like a big “na na na na - you can’t catch me”.

If only the weather behaved like that for me :confused: I hate the sun, to the point where I get really irritable on sunny days.

But I love the sun!


*Gets adblock for free

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I’m actually quite happy with my adblock plus :smiley:

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“Not available in your country”
^Downloads Opera
^Turns on turbo mode

Never used Opera. What does the turbo mode do?

You mean Opera’s built-in VPN? Initially when I downloaded Opera a year or so ago, the VPN worked, but soon after the VPN could never connect.

Seems that it’s working now. Tried it a couple of months back
@gatsie, Turbo mode is Opera’s in-build VPN - the server sees you like you’re not in your country when it’s on

Try it again. I think they discontinued their VPN service, but the developer mode version I didn’t update.