What grinds your gears?

Omgosh is it over?

Omgosh it’s over!!! I feel kinda bad now. My sister saw my app and said really and I told her it kinda sucks. The sucking has stopped…for now

It’s awesome actually. That bug is fixed by now

Not sure if it’s me, or that the brown M&Ms taste a bit weird.

I poisoned them


My printer won’t print -.-

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Power trips again…

I’m getting fed up of all these new threads popping up about live shows, M&Gs and account problems that have been asked a million times. I just automatically mute them, it’s a conditioned reflex to me now.


All this rain. So sick of rain. It is also flooding. Ugh.

Nothing grinds my gears today, we watched SLTS in class on the projector so today is preeeetty awesome.

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We had a power outage 2 nights ago. My laptop was unable to access the internet and our backyard sensor lamp has been on day and night since. I’ve fixed my laptop, but the sensor lamp is a different story. The lamp was installed by the people who lived here previously. I just now saw that they attached the wires of the sensor lamp directly into the power socket where also my fridge is plugged into… I was thinking of just demolishing the lamp because I have no idea how else to unplug the thing without messing up the wires…

The electricity company will have a field day with this month’s bill that’s for sure :confused:

Post a pic if you want. Also shouldn’t there be a switch for it somewhere in your house?

That’s the thing, there is no switch in the house for the sensor lamp :confused: And oh yay, now my smartphone’s having connection issues too. I’ll try snap a picture later.

Just got an email from the landlady, she’s increasing the rent -.- I guess I’ll have to move sooner than I had planned.

Awww that sucks :frowning: Have any place you can move into quick?

Please excuse the spiderwebs

Here’s the cable from the outdoor sensor lamp going through my kitchen wall:

Here the cable goes into the power socket:

I have a feeling the lamp caused the power outage earlier this week.

Hmm, maybe the sensor packed up? Also you speak of the outage as if it was your house only. If it was indeed only your house then I assume the lamp triggered the fuse if you’re certain it was the lamp that caused it, there is no way for the lamp to cause a cut outside of your house so if it was the whole neighbourhood then the lamp is not the culprit.

@NickGr you see:

No notifications for your last message. Gotta check it out now
UPD: still nothing

How about you try sending a photo?

Edit: it works @NickGr

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Unofrtunately no. I’m looking for rooms now… we’ll see.