What grinds your gears?

I have these a lot lol

I will not let go of my dreams, I just come here to What Grinds Your Gears to rant and let out my frustrations :smile: it’s helpful and things seem to not bother me as much once I post them.

Thank you for the encouragement :relieved: members of this forum are so nice <3

Not sure what you’re referring to?

Perhaps it’s this? Idk.

I was thinking more of this:

Hmm. But why would she comment on the same thing twice, under two different topics? :confounded: @coolcat96 end our confusion! :stuck_out_tongue:

The more we look, the more confused we get:

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Oh no, massive confusion :confounded:

During lunchbreak, these two snakes at work were talking with my boss and blaming me for all sorts of stuff. A key that had gone missing and incorrect information was given to a civilian and they said it must’ve been the new girl who did all this… I was the only new girl on the floor that day…

Some people never really grow up, they remain the insecure bully they once were in school and take that attitude with them in their adult life. It is sad for them, because I just smile and tell my boss that it’s too easy to just blame everything on the newbie while there’s a chance that those civilians might have gotten their information from other sources, aside from me and my colleges in city hall. My boss then said in front of those two snakes that she believed me. You should’ve seen the look upon the faces of those snakes. But I smiled and wished them a good meal…

Seriously, stay calm, keep your smile and stay true to yourself. People who can’t be nice to you for whatever reason are just sad individuals. Don’t let them get to you.


I’m sorry for the massive confusion @silentstagepunk and @samuel_the_leader I meant for [quote=“samuel_the_leader, post:1640, topic:11964, full:true”]
Imagine having to smell a very smelly garbage truck filled with lots of pizza, cheese, cream, etc greasy oily things (all rotting,decomposing and fermenting), while getting rid of lots of heavily filled black trash bags.

I was talking about this comment sorry for the confusion. I just felt bad because the garbage was stink.


I remember one day i was at school and it was a little bit warm out and these girls and one boy said why is she wear that big a$$ coat out she just nuts. I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking because I don’t have time for them if they had something to say they should have said it to my face not gossip behind my back. See even in college people are jerks not even playing right now.

(Gave up trying to get a good picture)

What grinds my gears (rather, my tongue) is that lately the tip of my tongue hurts as though I’ve bitten it, even more so today to the point of being unbearable. That is because one of my bottom front tooth suddenly overlapped behind my other front tooth (used to be straight) like basically overnight, and the newly exposed edge is real sharp. A permanent ouch, if you will. I need to smoothen the edge or something.

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OUCH!! You should get that fixed :open_mouth:

What grinds my gears is the fact that I have this teacher who wouldn’t give me an option for extra-credit no matter what I asked, but when these other girls asked she caved and gave them options. I guess at least the options are for everyone but still -_- Also I’m blaring my ears out because this one chick screams and her voice annoys me soo much… I can hear her over my music.

(flips table)
I’m challenge you to a duel @coolcat96!!! We have 24 hours: he challenge is to draw the best picture, may the best artist win!! Our judges will be the lpuers.

Who ever wins will have the authority to silence the other. -.-

Cattroll vs bunny vampire

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Drawing competitions :open_mouth: i love winning those xD

OK! @intheend but i’m not a very good drawer but I do love to be competitive though i’m in.

scratches head


Sorry @silentstagepunk my fault

I have no idea what to draw.

Draw an artist :grin: like Mike

I’m not going to lie, but I don’t know how to draw but I did went on YT to see how to draw characters I just draw tweety bird that it. I have to learn how to draw. I’m not a artist or a very good artist like you guys. So yeah I don’t know how to draw at all.:cry:

Aww don’t stress it
You don’t need to be an artist, I’m sure you have your own special talents :3 some that you may not even know of yet
hugs @coolcat96