What grinds your gears?

When you wake up just minutes before your alarm is going to go off! X_X

My neighbors ALWAYS.

Coming to school when you’re so verrrrry sick because you’re worried that your friend is going to be alone to work on a project… then finding out that she’s skipping the day. I keep managing to get sick. I guess it’s the weather’s mood swings here…

When I’m working on a group project I always get mostly idiots in my group and I can’t afford to miss anything. Also I always get sick on the most important days where I miss a ton of stuff but I’m fine on days where nothing happens.


This. I manage to skip a lot of stuff, tests and etc.

It’s even worse when you ask your friends to fill you in and they do a rubbish job of explaining things so you have to go to the teacher and the teacher just tells you that you should have been there.

I’m so upset because I took a history test I don’t know what I wrote on that essay paper.

I have a maths class test, 10 multiple choice questions. For the last one apparently all of the answers were either A or C and they had been like that for at least 2 years according to some students. This one seemed a bit harder than the last so I guessed a lot more that before. I ended up putting all C for the first 5 and all A for the last 5 :sweat_smile:

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When members create multiple threads without searching for the threads that already exist.

Or worse, when you try telling them otherwise by linking to said thread that already exists, and your comment gets buried and goes unnoticed.


Awww thanx- buddie @LP13413 :slight_smile:
You found real nice words to express what I feel inhere atm!

…dismiss all notifications again…



New people, new people everywhere.

I don’t remember it being this bad in the old forum, how is it even possible?


A lack of oxygen. Sitting at the literature, feeling that I’m about to faint

I have a cold and it will be snowing tomorrow. I have school.

I’m wearing a similar outfit to the one that the preps took a picture of me in like last week and posted to snapchat. Maybe I’ll gain some fans :joy:

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Wow, you’re famous! :stuck_out_tongue:

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bows* haha ikr

@silentstagepunk you have a Snapchat cool. Because I have one

Imagine having to smell a very smelly garbage truck filled with lots of pizza, cheese, cream, etc greasy oily things (all rotting,decomposing and fermenting), while getting rid of lots of heavily filled black trash bags.

I don’t have a snapchat, I deleted my app awhile back. My friend has a snapchat and she was the one who informed me that someone was posting about me

As for what grinds my gears… it’s like if yesterday was a good day for once, today is awful so far. It seems like some of my friends on instagram have stopped following me but I can’t check for sure until I get wifi that doesn’t restrict instagram, i got called a b**** this morning for opening the door for people because some freshman boys were cold? I mean people would’ve been waiting outside in the cold if I hadn’t opened it. Also with the time change I can barely wake up. I’m at school like a half hour before classes even start and I have to stand there and awkwardly look at people because nobody really talks in the morning. My close friend isn’t coming to school today and I’m just hopeful that I’m not getting sick again because it’s starting to seem that way… My mom told me last night that my music is demonic and that it’s causing problems… as if any popular music isn’t all the same. I’m sick of the repetition of the radio and I’m sick of this town that I’m pretty much stuck in. Maybe I’ll just be fueled by anger today.

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Never mind this. People are different and a lot of them are crooks. I used to react to names, but now I don’t
Wish you can make it :hugging:

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