What grinds your gears?

I’m dead serious.

@coolcat96 listen to her, I can be a lot more robotic than I already have been.

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@the_termin8r you must be some strong robot who can stand the cold then.

I am a Cyberdyne systems model 101

So I guess

Back in your Greece, you were complaining how desert hot it was.

And I always will. I don’t mind the cold here, I prefer it every day.

My Lo Pro CD finally came, 68 days after I ordered it and 2 days after I cancelled the order.

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They just knew it’s your birthday today


I prefer the heat over the cold. I’m quite alone with that, though. A lot of my friends/family prefer the cold.

Your family are aliens

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@the_termin8r prefers the cold.

Some people from here r so fucking RUDE. Do you feel better when you abuse somebody?

._. Give me the names @anngelenee. :sunglasses: :smoking: I’ll get them for ya


I can handle this :wink:

@anngelenee who’s the person. If you need some help you know who to call or talk to

I’m totally ok rn :slight_smile: Thanks for care :kissing_heart:

I just hate bully that it .

When you have to sleep cause you need to be up pretty early but can’t seem to fall asleep.

Yeah I understand the feeling.