What grinds your gears?

It’s so cold in NY I hate it.

Sorry :confused: my bestie takes trips there all of the time, she says it’s freezing.

Yeah it is that why i can’t wait fo summer and spring

I can’t either! Summer and spring are the best :grin: Chester’s birthday is the first day of Spring

The cold is just fine… never understood why people complain about it. The heat is the problem.

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No, the cold is the problem.

I’d rather be cold than not be able to breathe and function all day due to the heat.

What it hot over where you live.

No, it’s not.

It’s cold where I live that when you look out of the window it looks like summer but don’t let that fool you it freaking cold here.

It’s cold here too, still though, summer and hot weather in general sucks.

Yeah, totally it really does no doubt about it I hate the cold.

You mean this meme?


When you’re cold you put on more layers; when you’re hot you can go full nude and you’ll still roast without A/C.

:laughing: No

When you plan to go skiing in the weekend and only find this amount of snow throughout the entire village.


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LOL @gatsie

Tell me @the_termin8r is it cold in where you live.

To me cold is 0 or below even though I live in the UK. I’m that lunatic that goes out in a t shirt when it’s 5C.

WOW! @the_termin8r that very crazy. But when I see other people in NY they also be wearing a T shirt or shorts when it’s like freaking negative one degrees. And I’m like what the…

That’s because @the_termin8r is not human, don’t be surprised :wink:

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LOL! @evooba