What grinds your gears?

Yeah, that’s the one.

this might be stomach problems. Hope it’s not)


a reflux or gastric might give such a smell. But if you don’t have any pain, sting or whatever then it’s probably nothing like that.

You like to scare people.

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I keep getting really angry/frustrated/sometimes sad around six at night because it’s like my evenings are completely wasted. My folks keep complaining that I’m not in a good mood, and I suppose I feel worthless because I am wasting my time. I decided last night that maybe if I got a job I would feel better so I emailed my mom about it today and she says with stuff coming up it’s probably not a good idea. I agree that there is stuff coming up, and I emailed her back telling her that I would feel better if I could just go play guitar somewhere but she’s not responding so now I’m concerned that she’s mad but anyways does anyone have a suggestion? It’s too cold outside to take a walk or anything I was doing that for awhile but I kept getting sick… it feels as though I seriously need an escape from my own home…

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I’ve learned to just deal with the boredom.

I think you’re having a “numb” moment right now. I think what you should do is just play with your guitar in the house not outside because you did say that you’ll get sick. Also talk to your friends as well or your internet friends. If you write music write about in how you feel. Sing a song that would understand your feelings let all of your emotions out. Or play video games or watch TV. but you can just talk to your internet friends or your friends.

That what I do if I feel down I listen to music that would understand me in how I feel. Or what I do is just talk to my friends. :blush: I just don’t it like when people feel sad. I like it when people feel happy.

Yes, I am :confused: I do play guitar in my house, but it seems like everytime I try to do that my dad will come and tell me something else that needs to be done or I feel like I am annoying my family even if I am not. I talk to my internet friends and my friends irl on my phone, but it seems like I’m always trying to cheer people up or figure out how to cure my boredom. I do write songs, probably should more frequently… singing helps… I need to just play on and forget outside influences I suppose, but they get angry if I ignore and sometimes it’s like I need an audience to listen to me.

Maybe find a more engaging hobby, something that involves physically making something with your hands, that sort of stuff seems to keep me occupied, but that’s just me, I don’t like theoretical stuff.

@silentstagepunk Why do you communicate via email with your family? Can’t you just talk in real life?

Parents will always be annoying and bothered but whatever. You just gotta learn to deal with it, it’ll stop eventually.

I agree with everyone above me, just find something to do, go to the gym, learn a new language or whatever.

My mom’s typically at work, so I email her. We talk “when she gets home” for an hour or so, then she gets sleepy.

Finding something to do is going to be the hard part I suppose…

So my friend informed me that some preppy chick put “What is she wearing??? :joy::joy::joy:” overtop of a picture they took of me while I was sitting with my laptop in choir and posted it to their snapchat… Can’t wait to graduate :unamused:

You can always stand up and slap that bi**h but most of them is not worth it :stuck_out_tongue: Jogging is the cheapest way to get rid of frustration :wink:

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People who have time to make pictures of other people and share those pictures complete with captions on social media, are either paparazzi or crazy fans. :wink:

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@silentstagepunk just try to do something exciting for yourself. like you said before you play guitar and write music. Sometimes singing helps believe me it does.

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I once had someone make a meme out of me with a sly pic from a geog field trip in high school. The text read “Da fuq ur going?” which doesn’t make much sense. I’ve long since tried to erase the memory :stuck_out_tongue:

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That don’t even make sense :confused: lame of them.

If we are talking about the same thing. I hate bullies so much.

I should have mentioned before that they were actually my friends, not random people so it was kinda funny at the time. I don’t take offence for 99% of the time.

Oh :joy: I’d laugh if it were my friend. Someone random would just be lame.