What grinds your gears?

oh really, they are they don’t know nothing about punk rock.

I know. I’m not even talking to them and they threw something across the room at me and giggled. Oh whell.

You mean like this? :


Just ignore them, they are freaking bullies I can’t stand bullies.

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I feel like I should’ve said something to them, but maybe it isn’t worth my time…

You don’t have to say anything but if they do it again you might have to say something. But remember not physical ok and I’m talking about fighting because it not going to solve anything. These girls need to be put their own freaking place. I’m sorry I just hate bullies.

I mean it’s not the first time, but I think if I say anything it could just get worst … it’s not like it’s that big of a deal. Shouldn’t even let it bother me.

Ok I’m looking out for my friends because I understand because I was bullied before so I understand. But it happen in 3 or 5 and also some in Junior high school. OI was never bullied ion h.s .

Bullying sucks. Googling on the topic results to random advice like this:


  1. Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied!
  1. Fight back or bully a person back.
  2. Keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will “go away.” …
  3. Skip school or avoid school or afterschool activities because you’re afraid of the bully.
  4. Don’t be afraid to tell. …
  5. Hurt yourself.

I guess the list above has some good tips.Some say you should just ignore the bullies. Sometimes getting really foam-coming-from-the-mouth-angry can help too.

As a kid I was always a bit quiet and different because I lived in a rough neighborhood and bla bla. I learned to have this “fudge off” expression to protect myself in high school and outside. Plus I can go from super quiet and peaceful to 100% pissed off out of nowhere. I’ve scared off real tough guys that way. But it’s not recommended.

Now that I am older, I’ve learned that smiling at those who think they can talk trash about me and being extra nice actually is the best method; for me. People will feel guilty most of the time and act nice too. And if that doesn’t work, I just ignore them like they don’t exist.


That’s awesome advice actually

I’m about to graduate so it’s one of those deals where I’m like this many more days and I won’t have to deal with this anymore Guilted into being nice… interesting. Probably more useful than ignoring them.

when the battery of your laptop suddenly dies and you have to buy a cheap one that will be delivered on time before school starts cause I can’t do anything without a proper working laptop this sucks


Why not use the power cord?

Slow working staff pisses me off, like SO bad!

Funny you guys were talking about bullying and this is what was in my emails today:

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The internal battery is dead and since I have to carry my laptop around, I need it to have a decent battery

I realised today that I forgot to bring the thingie that opens the sim port on my phone and now I can’t top up my old number. Ugh!

Guys I have a freaking history test coming soon and I feel like I won’t remember anything. :tired_face:

Why not do it over the phone?

I’ll be charged an excessive amount of money if I do that. But even so, I’d still have to change the SIM card.

Has anyone had previously saved changes to a word document completely vanish the next time you open it? Googling the problems turns up nothing helpful. I was just looking over the log of RC parts I’ve bought; I updated a large chunk last week and saved it only to open it 10 mins ago and see that all of my new changes have vanished. :angry: Any idea why that is?

You mean this?

Anyway what grinds my gears is that my breath still stinks even after so much mouthwash.