What grinds your gears?

A few hours ago, I accidentally had a small metal splinter (approx size of a grain of coarse salt, but much sharper) embedded into my right calf when I positioned my leg crossed-legged onto the couch. Obviously it disappeared beneath the skin surface. So I searched on how to remove splinters that disappear beneath the surface, especially metal ones. So there came the magnet method, but it only helps pinpoint the location. So it’s still there, approx 1cm in the skin. :frowning:

Metal splinters won’t go away, just like glass splinter from many years ago:


Get a really powerful magnet to rip it out of your leg, it’d hurt like hell if it works.

Strange thing. I know about 3 lefties and all of them get lost like me :slight_smile:

I like getting lost sometimes, you can find some interesting places.


Indeed. :frowning: :fearful:

TWhen you have to wake up super early on your day off.

EDIT: When they call you in at work on your day off and have to cancel your plans for the day.

Idiots like this:


I had a nasty wake up call this morning. Who in their right mind calls at 8 f*cking am to tell you to come in to work at 10:30am? Like, can’t you call later?
I was so scared from the phone ringing at first, then I thought it was an alarm and didn’t pay much attention and then realised work was calling. I now have a terrible headache.

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Also a lefty and i have the same problem😀

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That sounds pretty reasonable. At least it’s not 30 mins before you have to be there.

Seriously? Am I the only lefty ever who has a decent sense of direction?

Nah, they call after 9am if they need you cause we’re not open before 8:30. Plus, I’m right next door, they know I can be there within 15min.

however, it causes a rush to hell, to be called in earlier. (is it for or at work=?
… in my case I get often bad mood cause my well calculated schedule won t work without my false :rage:

Seems like it :grin:

Being out of salted caramel in the middle of the night with all the stores being closed is quite grinding my gears darnit!

So many hours, still barely charged. Hate it that the charging cable keeps falling out.

Why are some kids such a**holes? We caught 2 boys trying to bully another one in the toilets today. Ugh!

What were you doing in the boys’ toilets?

I was walking past them and heard them, sent my colleague after them to rescue the kid.

exactly, i remember that 6-8 months ago, one lil (12yrs old) dude was grinding my gears, making me just nuts. I was trying really hard not to punch him, told the teachers a few times about him