Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

If I had time… I’ve thought of it. But it will give you only the idea of what was written in official registers. You still don’t know anything of fruits of illegitimate relations which you can’t rule out.

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:joy::sweat_smile: yyyyeahhh
I messed with my parents about it when I did this one, I’m like oooop here come all your illegitimate children to the surface
Y’all got any confessions before I get the results??? :rofl: kinda just got a sandal to the forehead but that’s another story…

Serious talk tho that’s a good point… like I said I don’t even trust the Mexico ones haha
It’s very limited and as you said time consuming… for older records you pretty much have to go in person-harder yet if there was a lot of traveling by the family


Also, how is your daughter doing? She up and about now? :smile:

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Totally fine. But I still have to keep her at home and give some medicine. Thx for asking.

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:partying_face: relieved to hear that :smile:
No getting mad at her this week! :stuck_out_tongue: she gets a free pass :crazy_face:

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Looks like I tried to copy my favourite character by Daniel…
call it a bit of a cosplay/cover :heart::black_heart:
Hope you like it


#2 in particular is pretty awesome :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:

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Thank you… I have a slight crush and obsession on that character as I can act like him in real life lol

If you haven’t already, watch the music video for Big Bad Wolf by Aesthetic Perfection then you’ll know why :+1:

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Hehe you put on bright red lipstick and you remind me of his wife in the vid :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Ngl the vid is on the weirder side but it’s likable :grin:
Saw they were saying he’s changed a lot so will check some other stuff out :smile: thanks for the recc!
Also, I’m the one that said found you :laughing:

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So it was you hahaha

OK… check out Gods and Gold, Love Like Lies, A Nice Place To Visit, All Beauty Destroyed and The Ones
You’ll like the music videos for the first few :heart::+1:

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ahh so face revelation is happening here haha niceee and glad to know you @raz7 for real :+1:


is that ur instagram account?

Yeah I stay pretty priv here but have posted it once or twice before

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why is everyone so private here?? cmon you guyssss hahaha

and btw, nice pics you have there on your ig account :+1: nice to know how you look like heeyy :clap:


Haha thanks
As for the privacy, there’s a lot of crazy people out and about in the world

@intheend has already sold my number to black market books and has pranked new daily for nigh on three years so :sleepy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i 100% agree with you

lol did he share his profit to you? :grin:

Yoooooo :flushed:
Didn’t you say you were up there in age? :exploding_head:
Making me feel hella old with you looking younger than me :tired_face: :rofl:

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Lol not one bit :tired_face:
She crazy like that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

its the sunscreen broooo hahahaha

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poor you hahahah should have made something out of it :rofl: its your number after all :joy:

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I like to stay a ghost for the most part. The fewer people that bother me the better. I’m generally a very closed off person, even my immediate family doesn’t know most of what goes on in my life lol. Though if you look hard enough, you can find what I look like on the forum.
