HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:heart::hugs::sunny: thank you my dear :bat: :mouse: :hugs::heart: good goodnight :crescent_moon::zzz: then … Neandertaler just slept 3 hrs a night :joy: but seriously: have a good night’s rest :sleeping:

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Again, my work day started by going in early to move furniture into storage. We had a second CONEX box delivered yesterday, but today, a couple of us went in early to store more furniture inside the first one since we still have a little more room to work with.


What you can’t see in this photo are all the tables and teachers’ desks that are already crammed in there.

DSCN3856 (2)

This is what’s left to move. I’m sure there’s probably more scattered around the building that will be moved as well, but for now, this is it.

The last of the desks are all in front of the bleachers, the rest of that stuff is miscellaneous furniture that will also be moved in.

I saw a cement truck out in the new lot when I arrived today.


Sometimes I find myself typing posts, then deleting everything I just typed, and posting something else, or unrelated to what I was typing.


hello everybody, it’s wednesday :grimacing: just 2 1/2 more days to go

that’s the problem. We have to pay 499,99 € in europe to get the PS5. I don’t get it, why we pay more. That’s one of the points, why I’m not gonna buy the PS5 before 2021 christmas maybe. The two versions are another point, it’s a f’ck you to every collector, who wants the games in physical.

some socks for autumn or winter? :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

hello dear :kissing_heart: good to read that you had some time for yourself
Also beautiful pictures and a walk in the woods is always satisfying :heart: sending a lots of strength and love to you.
Edit: I got a message from you, I’m answering later :kissing_heart:
I found some very weird pictures from our concert in Offenbach :rofl: Damn, did you recognize the pictures with the one guitarist from Zebrahead?

I think the ‘very dark times’ for nu metal/metalcore are kinda ended? Speaking of ‘old bands’ - what are your thoughts about ‘Mudvayne’ and do you like ‘Hellyeah’? (some members of Mudvayne are in these band)
It’s always hard to choose, bc I want so many but sometimes you have to do a choice,which songs gives you a little more than the other one :grin:

that’s really scary dear and the best wishes for the next things! It sounds quite good yet, when I understood it right?

that would be interesting :grin: :crazy_face:

thank you dear - take little steps and take every step as an accomplishment :muscle:t2:
That really sucks with your plans (flight, visiting your parents) but safety first, right? :pensive:
Stay positive and enjoy the day :blush:

best wishes for that exam - you can do it! Also I’m doing good, still take some time for tattoo recovery. But also enjoying the last hours of ‘summer’
Any plans for the weekend yet?

that’s a really interesting posting dear, and that’s my ‘point of view’: Sometimes, when I write a new posting, I think to myself that maybe nobody or hardly anyone cares what I write, how I am doing or what I do. Nevertheless, especially in Corona times, it is a daily routine for me that I wouldn’t want to miss these days. Furthermore, through this exchange I also got to know @ anna834 for example and we visited a concert together. I find the exchange with so many people from different countries simply exciting and even loving ones from people who live far away can do you good
So don’t be afraid and share your feelings, thoughts and everything you want :kissing_heart:

naaah, I like your ‘crazy attitude’ dude :laughing: :crazy_face: :heart: :muscle:t2:

That sounds good, when it satisfies you. Also thank your for your compliment and how awesome is this: An ‘Oktoberfest day’ at school? :heart_eyes: Even the teachers?

hello pat :heart_eyes: it’s over → you’re gonna go on a vacation? :star_struck: yeah, just 2 1/2 more days. Maybe some more energy…and coffee :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:

At least you have good weather Andy - take it to regain some energy :muscle:t2:, but just this question: How old are these chairs/desks? It looks like ‘the 80’s’ or something :sweat_smile:

powerful and lovely tags to @drounzer @anngelenee @raz7 (sad news: the rammstein circus project is also canceled), @IronSoldier16 @lplove @lpfan61 @Lilyope @alz89 @rickvanmeijel @amitrish

OT: Just had an awesome morning walk and gonna enjoy the last sunny hours. Also I have to buy my dad a birthday gift, because he’s got birthday this week :crazy_face: :grimacing:

Wishing everyone a good day - stay safe, healthy & awesome :heart:


then game on! where’s yours? :grin:

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So, I promised Anna to reply. And yeah, I want to, cause it is a theme I read a lot about.
But I have to convince my brain to concentrate.

Hm, it’s different for me. It’s easier to post in front of so many. So I don’t have the feeling, I put too much on someone. It’s getting more difficult, the more I’m attached to people.

I have read a lot about this. First was: “Die Suche nach dem verlorenen Glück” (the Continuum Concept) by Jean Liedloff. She was one of the first to look in that direction. That she made her own concept out of it, isn’t really for me. But still, interesting read.
My absolute favourite are the books by Michel Odent. He is a French obstetrician and childbirth specialist. He has collected and did a lot of research. And looked not only on the consequences of a bad mother child bounding for the individual, but also for the society.
Later my therapist worked with me on base of recognizing this inner child. Because, yes, if you miss care and love as a child, you forever expect this bad treatment. But you also have this craving for love and recognition, that actually no one can fulfil, cause it is from the unsatisfied child in you. And we tend to condemn this child in us, cause it’s behaviour is annoying, inappropriate. But it won’t leave, just cause we hate it. On the contrary, it is used to this kind of treatment, expects it.
It’s about recognising this, start to care for it, see what behaviour comes from it and not condemn but love it. :breast_feeding:
So, probably enough for now.

I don’t think, that there is a child immune to this.
It depends a lot on witch age this happens. How stabil the groundwork actually was before.
And of course reacts everyone different, what he makes of it. Some inflict the consequences on themselves, have mental troubles. Some get cold, efficient, ruthless. They probably are successful in life, but actually trauma free? I don’t think so.

See, even the bat has his doubtful troubles :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:

Come on, you can’t still believe this? :flushed:
And if I say, how awesome it is to have you back, the life you bring into here, how many react so happy to your acknowledgement, you start running again :kissing_heart: :laughing:

Yeahhhh! Exactly the best for me :heart_eyes: :star_struck: love your farm story, your words. Thank you so much. :hugs: :green_heart:

Totally get you. Sigh. So sorry.
I not really dropped out of school with 16, cause by then I had changed from Gymnasium to Realschule and was finished anyway. And dang, was I happy about it! I did an FÖJ in a Landschaftspflegeverein who fought for a nature protection pasture, we had sheep, lived all in caravans. It was totally fulfilling. And yes, wouldn’t do it differently today.
But, sigh, yes, can’t recommend to leave school that early, when you want to go further academically.
I did it later, got one year FOS got my Fachhochschulreife, started studying. But this road is a stony one.
Please, take care of yourself. Look what best for you! Think and feel all the options you have. Going through, just finished Realschule for now, take a sabbatical year, or change school … be kind and recognizing with your own wishes. :hugs: :muscle:

So, all this writing did actually distract me a little. :blush:
My publisher, or better ex publisher, cancelled our contract today. She didn’t like the character development in my second book. And I’m not ready to sacrifice this character on the alter of being published. No way. Especially cause all my feelings say, that this is the best part of the book. :triumph: :sob:

Thanks you all, I finish here, my grandma awakes and need my attention.
:hugs: :green_heart:




I think it has also been discussed during the lecture:)

It doesn’t sound to be sad. Happiness doesn’t have to be expressed in a loud and intensive way. It’s pure peace that emanates from your post.

Tell me more (in short words) as I’m getting even more interested.

Same here :rofl:

Do you have any idea what it could be? (I think that it’s extremely hard to buy a good present to a man or a even a boy).

I’ve heard of the conception of the inner child and that the part of the therapy is to take care of the inner child, talk to her/him or write letters. But it’s what I wouldn’t like to face myself. On one hand, I’d feel stupid to talk to someone who doesn’t exist physically. On the other, feeling sorry for myself I would have to be in opposition to/or accuse my mother. As a totally imperfect mother I’m not sure if I have such a right. I think that people sometimes don’t give you what you need but what they have themselves. It’s like I blamed you that you couldn’t give me a million dollar - because I needed the money and you didn’t have it.
(or maybe my pace of thinking is sick and should be treated :rofl:)

Maybe it’s a snowball effect. You start with a tiny childhood trauma which gives you some problems that cause the next ones and the next and the next…

Agree. I think they should ask you for such things as long as you are the author. They should help with details like spelling, rearranging sentences (if they are for example too long). But they shouldn’t change the concept.


Oh, I never talked to my inner child :joy:
Would be weird indeed. :rofl:
It was more talking about feelings you have in certain situations, or triggers. And then the question came, where I feel this feeling exactly, how it feels and how old it is. And with this, I could find out, that some of my reactions today have actually nothing to do with the situation at hand, but are triggered by old emotions.
But yes, I had this point in therapy, where I could visualise the small, crying Anna and could take her into my arms, feel compassion for her, not disgust.
All this actually changed my feelings for my mother completely. I couldn’t stand her befor, couldn’t even have her looking at me. She was not only not a good mother, she needed caretaking herself and put this on her small daughter.
But today, with this therapy, I have nothing in me, that blames her. No bad feelings, they are all gone. I can love her, see her struggle, see her mental illness without any trouble for me. Now, I can be strong for her.
Sigh, still not there with my father issues, but working on it. :joy:

My grandma woke up, all confused and panicky. So I crawled into her bed, cradled her. She was so happy, snuggled realy close. And then I told her stories about our past, my time with her as a child, Christmas, fairy tales she told us. And she was all listening, then sad: All gone, all gone. And I contradicted her, that this is all in us, that the love she gave us will carry on. That she lives on in us, her love lives on. It is ok now to relax, be weak. I carry her. And when all strength fades, love stays strong. She can go now, her love will continue. She was so happy, did fall asleep then. :blush:


And back at you! It’s almost the weekend :smiley:

Some of us have met multiple times in real life so I guess that counts.

It does yeah… I always go home twice a year but I doubt I will this time, I was there last early January… and with stuff happening the need to go is stronger. I hope this virus situation will calm down so hopefully I can travel before the end of the year.

It’s a long discussion, I can just refer you to some papers I’ve read or whatever.

OT: Uneventful day at work, still uncertain about what’s going to happen in the coming days. It was also very quiet so I had the chance to properly speak to my manager, he says the moment I need to fly home or decide that it is safe to do so, he’ll make sure I can do it, and I truly appreciate that. It’s still surprising to me sometimes how different he is from my previous boss back in Greece. It’s crazy…
Anyway, going to have a relaxing evening at home, going to order grandson’s debut album (so damn excited!) and listen to some new music.

Have a good one guys :slight_smile:


Don’t tempt me. :joy:


Do I? :thinking: I may think it but do I ever stop posting(?) :rofl:

Count on it, peace :v:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: what was it(?) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I hope an annoying little bat in the back of your head saved her from punishment! :triumph: :joy:
Come on, much more preferable being a little twister than being sick in bed :grin:

Nooooooooo, you just go into a store and turn off your brain, the first thing to catch your eye that’s
2-something no one would ever buy
3- childish

YOU HAVE A WINNER! :crazy_face:
My lil bro got me a bottle of hand sani that has baby yoda on the front-winner :crazy_face:

:flushed: cough cough :roll_eyes: :innocent: :crazy_face:

You feel bad after anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ot: :poop: day
(Concise post :sunglasses:)


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: interesting conversations going on here! It’s very bracing.

@evooba thank you :hugs::sunny: I’m sorry to hear about these troubles- the pandemic has become a part of our life until they found a vaccine or at least a medicine. In in such situations as you’re in, it becomes very real and the restrictions have a real deep impact. :slightly_frowning_face:. Stay strong Eva, :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: and I hope the situation at home gets better :pray:t2::sunny::hugs:

@anna834 awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: very touching what you share with us here! Take good care of yourself. I won’t repeat my words - but I really feel how you do this out of a loving heart. :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: sending you strength and - the part you mentioned about the publisher: meh! But the 1st part is out and it’ll find it’s way :pray:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::heart::hugs::hugs: stay strong my dear! Bonecrushers, we’ll speak on the weekend again, right?! :telephone_receiver: ( wondering :thinking: if our youngsters still know this sign ) lol :joy:- have the best day possible Anna

@anomalia I can say that I care and that I felt seen, appreciated and partly also :crazy_face:

Ok- time is over again :open_mouth: lol :joy: it’s crazy fast, the time for me atm! Stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: , #makechesterproud :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::heart:

Ot :shower:

GN :sleeping: @LP13413 :grin:



I’m running around frantically trying to throw some sort of a breakfast and a lunch or whatever together so I can get out the door.

I woke up this morning at 9:30, and after rolling out of bed a few minutes later, I get the message asking me to come in at 11 o’clock, so I have a little less than an hour, but I wanted to pass this along from the other day.


I hope you’re all having a terrific day!


Hey all! Happy Thursday!

Hope you all are doing well today!

Alas again I feel busy busy busy :joy: This is just life now… if this is what becoming an adult is… can I cancel my subscription? :rofl::rofl:

Sad! :sob::sob: really tried to play the guilt trip card :rofl: It’s really not too bad, like you said exhausting really. It’s usually not too bad.

I love how comforting you are towards your Grandmother!! :heart: I’m sure she is very happy to have you and your mother with her at this time!

Still sending out hugs as needed :hugs:

You think that’d work? :thinking::thinking:

I sure as heck don’t :rofl::rofl:

I kind of see the point for the Digital vs Physical versions, but at the same time I believe all things are trying to go more Digital now. I for one prefer physical copies lol.
Hopefully by Christmas 2021 there is a nice deal for you! :metal: I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

Well after a long spell I finally got back into doing some side art for fun! I’ve missed it, so going to try and make time for it going forward! :smile:

As for now… back to work. Got my coffee (need to get more… almost out overall!! :fearful: :fearful: ) and have Good Charlotte playing on the computer, good enough for now!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!! :hugs::hugs: Hugs and positive vibes to everyone as usual!


Just finished watching a livestream with Daniel… he said my name again when I was promoting the AP Discord!

For you guys, can you share and presave this please?


I hope so too, I’m stressing over this quite a lot lately, I just really really hope it won’t turn out to be as bad as they’re telling me.
And yes, hopefully a working vaccine will be available soon, I fear this coming winter is going to be worse.

Dude, stock up on your coffee before you run out, we wouldn’t want that to happen now, would we?!

OT: Second to last day before my manager is on holidays today and it was MADNESS at work. We had to deal with so bloody much, we both ended up with a massive headache and more stress. Him cause he doesn’t want to live me in the shit when he’s away and me because I need to deal with the shit on top of worrying about everything else while he’s away. Oh, and we have the conference to prepare for as well and we haven’t done anything yet.
I was supposed to leave early today (had some plans with my cousin) but damn, ended up leaving at like 5pm (better than nothing I guess).

I am now chilling at home, enjoying some coffee (I really fancy this Colombia blend I got actually), listening to music and cooking dinner. Hopefully it’ll be a relaxing event and I won’t be bombarded in emails and texts.

Hope you guys had a lovely day! :slight_smile:


Just in case where abouts he said my name… 33:30 onwards!
Rhianna is what he says

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And here it is:


And next to its brother:


I ended up leaving out the date for now; might add that in the future if I really want it.

Also I had half an hour to kill in the city before my appointment and I happened to find this shirt in a store:


There was also an LP shirt there that had 6 people on it, but I find it hard to say they were the band members… when I grabbed it I was like “oh cool this one has the band printed on it”, but when I actually looked at the faces I was like “who are these people” xD I didn’t take a photo, I regret that now…


I wasn’t active today because I was totally busy reading. Waiting for a book on attachment theory, I grabbed something completelly differnt and finished it in one single day (420 pages). It was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Quite addictive a book.

I’d appreciatiate it.

If I was a lil brother to someone, I’d do the same :rofl:

@evowarrior5 I like like the one with the thread red xxx


Twelve hours later, I am home from a fun day at work. The reason I was called in so early was to disinfect every single doorknob, locker handle, railing etc. in the entire building. Afterwards, one of my co-workers also came in to help me fit as many desks into the second CONEX as we could. We maxed out both of them, and we still have more furniture we have to store before students are let back in the building on Monday. We’ll either have to get creative in storing everything, or order a third, or possibly a half CONEX, or something.

Oh yeah, and I’m more than likely working twelve-hour shifts at least Monday and Tuesday of next week. That’s all I know right now, and I don’t know if I’m working this weekend or not, though at this point, it’s expected.

I know one thing, after all the overtime I was racking up last year, and quarantine taking the steam out of my engine for a few months, it’s great to be back and feeling busy again.


:sunny::sunny:good morning family :sunny::sunny: Friday :tada::tada: last day of the working week for the most of us ( strength to the weekend workers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:) and WEP day :partying_face: and lol - the next what comes into my mind for today is me getting stuff done :white_check_mark: Lol :joy: but at least it’s my private business :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: and also ketchup here today

:partying_face::heart_eyes: coming here is my morning ritual- without this I would really feel a lack- and just reading your posts without time to answer is really unsatisfying :crazy_face: Today I can enjoy and answer, bc it’s my free day - yaaay :sunny::sunny::tada:

@evowarrior5 cool :partying_face: looks exactly what you wanted it to look like :heart_eyes: grats! :tada:

@anomalia whoa :hushed: 450 sites??? Incredible- I’m impressed- what is it about, this book? :thinking:

@raz7 yaaay :tada::tada::hugs::sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::+1:t2::confetti_ball: so cool - in what context did he mentioned your name? Had no time to listen to it all :crazy_face:

@anna834 strength to you dear :hugs::heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::kissing_heart::heart::hugs::hugs:

@evooba I really pray and I try to be aware of the risks and keep the hygenic rules… and I just hope that as many ppl possible do the same… it’s the only way to keep it restricted :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: the rest is praying… hope your back gets further better? !! Stay strong :muscle:t2: you can do it! Everything you have to! Take care Eva :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::sunny:

@justinkilmer heeeyooooo heeeeheeeheeeyooo nice to see ya here :partying_face:

Ot: starting my routines

@LP13413 what is CONEX? And yaaay :tada::tada: I can relate to this feeling to feel good being busy again- but the step that it gets over the head and becomes stress is so small :crazy_face: good unwinding Andy and sleep good! How’s the boss? :cat2: