HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

No, I’m on the East coast of the US. Those are on the West. The smoke made it out here.

I’m just relaxing. Work was ok. I had my 90 day review for the position I started in May. It went well :slightly_smiling_face:. Nothing but great results. Now hopefully this covid business get under control so I can get the raise I’m supposed to.

Have a great night everyone!


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Lol i just thought the pic that i took was kinda blurry so i took it down :joy:

Do we have any face revelation thread around yet? Lol i’d like to know how y’all look like for real :face_with_monocle:

Today, and I’m almost certain for the remainder of the week, I went into work an hour and a half early to help move more furniture around the building. We also just received a second storage container for the school, so tomorrow will be spent packing it in with as much extra furniture as we can fit.

Hopefully this weekend I can relax, but I’m not holding my breath. At least there’s yoga waiting for me when I wake up.


You do yoga?

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These things you must never ask :flushed:

Damn dude…so kids are most def going back in? :grimacing: good for them but hope for the best :slightly_smiling_face:
A random thank you for putting in all that behind the scenes work for them to be able to get back in there in one shape or another!


How so? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, but they’re not all coming in at once. All students in Cohort A will be in the building on Mondays and Wednesdays. The other 50% of the kids in Cohort B will be in on Tuesdays and Thursday. They’ll alternate every other Friday.

Our lunch staff has been serving free lunches for all students who need (want) them essentially since the start of quarantine. I just saw a notice on the district website that says All Students Eat For Free Until December 2020.


You’re in the US? Which state is it if i may ask?

New York state. My username is actually my zip code :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ah i c… :smiley:
Ive always wanted to go to New York, my dream place :heart_eyes:

Ahhh gotcha! Yeah they were trying to get that through here as well, same plan but didn’t at the start and honestly haven’t heard if they’ll switch over :face_with_monocle:
Def not my bro’s…they were told all year would be distance since their high school is already tech based so they were hoping it’d be smoother transition for them…idk…

Happy that they do that! :star_struck: between food and access to classes it’s worrisome for the younger kids in particular :pensive:

There was a story of two kids here in SoCal that were going to Taco Bell sitting outside to be able to use the wifi from the shop I was like :pleading_face: :broken_heart:

Everyone’s shy :stuck_out_tongue:

California is offended :unamused:


How so (pt.2) :smile:

Lol I heard California is a nice place too! So i would like to go there as well… but New York first haha :smile: :v:t2:

Ah that sounds good! Thank you, back at you for the week too!
Yeah, I do some stretches but not a lot, I’m in quite some pain still when I do specific movements.

@anna834 Sending you lots of strength!! Keep doing little things that make you happy and feel relaxed like the walk in the woods :slight_smile: You can do this!

I agree, Friday can’t come fast enough!

For me it was very foreign till I moved to the UK. I had a friend in school that tried to commit suicide twice and she was the only person I ever talked openly to about these issues back home, everyone else is still avoiding it to a degree. Here I feel it is much better and I was surprised to find out you can actually get a mental day off work, just brilliant!
My course leader and a lecturer from my uni have been writing a book about music and mental health and it is finally ready, will be published later this month, excited to read it! (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1912656647/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&psc=1)

OT: A bit of a late start at work today so I am enjoying a coffee at home before I leave.

I don’t know what we’re going to do today, with the government announcing new measures later tonight, I have a feeling lots of planning on how we will go forward as a business will have to be done these next couple of days.
In other news, my entire back still hurts, I think it’s a tad better but I still feel it, I’m at the point where I don’t care anymore, I just want it gone. Received some (probably expected) bad news from home last night and it brought me down quite a bit, it’s not exactly confirmed yet but we all know it’s bad and I’m not ready to face it, I’m still in denial and disbelief. I’m currently looking for flights to go back, very concerned about traveling during a pandemic but I need to… I’ll have to see.

Have a great day guys!


Heeeyyy @evooba thank you!
Sending some of my strength right back at you.
Don’t be shy on the pain medication, it relaxes muscles who cramps under the pain.
If you look for additional alternative pain help, I can recommend Aconit pain oil, not sure if it’s available over there. I’m just out of a phone talk with the hospitz and she recommended it for my grandma. I had to laugh, cause it always travels with me, in case my back hurts.
Yeah, and even more strength for the family thing :cry::muscle: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

If it’s too much smart talk, just ignore that I said it :crazy_face:

Edit Edit
Real curious about this book. A review would be awesome. :blush:


I will take the English exam to pass the department I earned at university, I am currently preparing for this exam. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

How is your life flowing :grinning:

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Do you guys sometimes have thoughts like this before you post something on the forum? Like: OK, I want to post it but in fact who cares that I do/think this or that?
Even if everyone here keeps ensuring you that they care of you and of what you say.
On the intellectual level you know it. But there is a kind of mechanism inside of you that tells you to doubt or behave as if you doubted in it.
Looking for the answer, I found some lectures on the attachment theory by professors of one of our psychological universities.

Have you heard of it? It’s quite interesting. It’s about the bonds between a baby and its mother (or its main carer). To put it in simple words - if the mother reacts to her baby’s emotional needs (if she talks to the baby, hugs her crying daughter/son, gives them sense of safety and so on), the baby learns that the world is safe place to live, relations with other people are good and soothing, the baby him- or herself is effective to influence others to get things they need.
If the mother ignores her baby’s crying, the baby learns that there’s no point to continue because it gives no effect, no point calling anyone because they don’t care. It also shapes the young brain to react like this in the future (=> a fear of rejection, social anxiety, poor self-esteem, loneliness…)

I’ve ordered a book to read more about the above. I’d like to find out how it works and what other factors are crucial to make a deep emotional disorder - I bet kids who were emotionally cared about throughout the history are a real margin. Psychological education is also a quite new thing. So why do some people suffer and some seem to be immune to children’s traumas?

This one also seems interesting - how does it feel to suffer from a mental disease when you are on top of the world:


Yes, it definitely depends on cultural and social attitudes. My parents aren’t from the UK so for them they don’t really like talking about mental health openly, although my uncle commited suicide quite young but my dad would never talk about him. Unfortunately, it happened again in the family not that long ago and we actually talk about it now and there’s no wall of silence talking about him which is good. It’s just like any other illness and we shouldn’t feel ashamed or shut down. The more open we are the more likely anyone else suffering will speak out.

I’ve never had one yet! I know people are more willing to talk a day off for stress which is important. Don’t burn yourself out.

I don’t know what’s going to happen but my workplace have already said no one can go into the office from tomorrow unless it’s essential (it was open on a voluntary basis recently). We’re going backwards! :tired_face: