PRE-SALE (Help a member if you cannot make it)

Do you still have your code avaible?

I donated to the One More Light fund through MusicForRelief a few weeks ago. Does anyone know how I’m supposed to get access to that section of the presale? I haven’t received any code. I’d really love to make it to the show.

Hi guys! I’m from Costa Rica and never seen a Linkin Park show, I love the band and would love to have a Pre Sale code to buy the tickets. Please help me out to say goodbye to one of my idols!.

did you get a code?

Once you buy the tickets , the tickets are non transferrable

Yup I still have it, haven’t emailed anyone yet.

I see your email in the other thread. I’ll email you asap.

That means the presale code can be used by someone else if unused.

Please anyone that can help me get to the show by sharing the code. I’m just trying to get one ticket for myslef I would really appreciate anyone’s help :heart:

If anyone has a code they’re not using please send it to me. I’m trying to get a ticket.

Please. I just need 2 tickets

i am an LPU member and i usually do get their emails, but i haven’t received any email with the code yet. Ill be travelling from Toronto ( and REALLY want to). Does anyone know why I haven’t received the email yet?

Please if you are not using it!!!

Sorry I already sent it to @allisonrose8

I’m still looking for a spare presale code! Don’t wanna rely on public Sale…if you can help send me an email! :clap:t2::pray:t2:

If you get your tickets early, can you send me your code to see if I can buy some too? Thanks!

I am seeing many threads about the same, and I guess it’d be better if all the similar were here. @derek, @jFar920 can you put them together please? These are the links:

Presale / One More Light Fund Question

I don’t pretend offense somebody, but I want to see ordered the forum.

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Looking for pre sale code that someone might not use, thank you!

Are they sold out??? please please!!

I didn’t receive a code, so I requested one. Was told my account wasn’t valid!
Now I’m stuck trying to depend on the charity of others, so if anyone has a code they’re willing to share with a fellow fan, please, please, please email me at